Year 1 Report


Welcome to Grade One! We are very excited to start the new year and have a lot of fun learning experiences planned for students. In this issue you will find information about what your child will be learning in each learning area as well as important start of the year reminders. 



In Numeracy, Grade One students will develop their confidence when counting to and from 100 by playing games, singing counting songs and participating in hands on activities. They will recognize, model, read, write and order numbers and identify counting patterns. Students will learn to recognize and sort 2D and 3D shapes in their environment. The importance of knowing the days of the week and months of the year will be discussed each morning when completing the daily calendar and will also be taught during Numeracy lessons.  


In Reading, Grade One students will be making connections to realistic texts read in class, sequencing events and making predictions about the text. There will be a strong focus on fluency and decoding strategies such as developing phonetic awareness of letter-sound relationships. Students will practice reading high frequency words and using boundary punctuation to make meaning whilst reading and answering questions. Later in the term students will be looking at the features of non-fiction texts and reading information reports. 


In Writing during Term One, students began by writing a recount about what they did during their summer holidays.  Students will then focus on writing recounts, while learning to include different types of punctuation, including full stops, question marks and exclamation marks.  Later in the term, students will write information reports, while linking concepts to the Inquiry topic about being healthy.   


In Term One, during Inquiry sessions students will be learning about healthy food choices and how nutrition makes a difference to their body. They will identify safe behaviour and how to make good choices. Students will explore how to be a good friend and discuss the feelings and needs of people. Skills and concepts will be taught through hands on experiences such as making healthy food, participating in exercise, playing team building games and role plays of good and bad choices. 



School start at 8:50 and finishes at 3:10 

Students to bring hats, fruit and labelled drink bottles everyday 

Red folders back to school 

17th & 18th February - Parent/Teacher interviews (Bookings are now open for this) 


We look forward to a term filled with learning and fun!  


The Grade One Team 

Katherine Richardson, Emily Routley, Rosie Borg and Melissa Fitzpatrick