Facilities News 


Dr Denise Clarke                                 Frances Hansen

Acting Assistant Principal              Acting Facilities Manager

Dr Denise Clarke
Frances Hansen
Dr Denise Clarke
Frances Hansen


Facilities Coordinator

Work is continuing around the school. The focus is now on the yard and playgrounds making the school a clean, inviting space for staff and students.

New storage for the Therapy team
New storage for the Therapy team


Capital works

We are currently developing a plan for when we do a walk through with a panel of architects for next week. We are looking at the educational challenges of each building as well as the inherent structural issues that have arisen. At the same time we will be talking about the opportunities for students that we would like to develop with specialised facilities.


Inclusive Schools Fund (ISF) Application.

We have just submitted an application for funding to extend the climbing room into a sensory area e.g. "crash and bash" that is so beneficial for students who need strong physical input. The last ISF grant supplied the climbing room and this extension was part of the original plan that we couldn't afford. Fingers crossed we are successful with the funding.

Proposed new building idea
Proposed new building idea