Special Event

Parents as Academic Coaches

Blue Mountains Grammar School is already great in so many ways, however with regards to academic outcomes we are on this same journey, from Good to Great. I am confident that 2021 will be yet another giant stride forward. If you plan to go with us on this journey, I would encourage you to attend our first Ad Altiora Whole School Parent Workshop for 2021:  'Parents as Academic Coaches'. 


These workshops explore in greater depth the School’s Educational Philosophy and the range of approaches we take to growing character and capability as well as improving each students’ learning. Parents have an enormous impact on these very same life outcomes and so, these workshops explore the ways in which school and parents can work together. 


At the moment we are limited to indoor gatherings of thirty, so we will run these workshops each Tuesday from February 16th until the demand is met. Please RSVP ASAP. The preferred format for these workshops is face to face, however if you are unable to attend and would prefer a Zoom option, please email feedback@bmgs.nsw.edu.au to register this preference. I hope to see you there.


Mr. Ian Maynard
