OnDemand Testing

OnDemand Testing

Dear Parent/Carer,


Our school currently uses On Demand testing to provide our teachers with insights into your child’s literacy and numeracy development. Following a request from the Victorian Curriculum and Assessment Authority (VCAA), which is responsible for the development of On Demand, I am informing you of our school’s participation in a project to review the On Demand tests. This review will involve the equating of students’ On Demand test outcomes with the school’s NAPLAN data. Towards this end, the school will grant the VCAA permission to collect our On Demand data.


The data collected will contain test results and associated student details from On Demand assessments at our school for 2017. Our data, along with data from other schools will be used in a one-time linking process between On Demand and NAPLAN results held by the VCAA to form a single dataset. This dataset will then be anonymised and used to review the performance of the On Demand Tests. All identified data collected will be destroyed at the completion of the process and there will be no release of any school or individual results or personal details as part of this work.


This work will benefit our school by further enhancing the reliability and accuracy of the On Demand tests.


For more information about the On Demand Testing Calibration Project, please see the attached FAQs.


