Transition Evening

Transition Evening

On Tuesday the 15th of March, Staughton College hosted its annual Grade 6 – Year 7 Transition evening for families in Melton. The night provided families with an opportunity to tour our school and see what we have to offer. Our College Captains, Maggie and Chelsea spoke to families about the events and day to day running of our school and two of our Year 7 Leaders, Braedon and Jack spoke about their experience in Year 7 so far. Families were able to see some amazing science experiments, make stress balls, play maths games, watch student artists at work and get an overview of all that we have to offer our Year 7 students.

A massive thank you to our dedicated staff who always go above and beyond on this night and to the student helpers who demonstrate our motto of Try, Persevere and Achieve.

‘Being new to the school I don’t know a lot of the teachers and I haven’t visited all the room. Ir eally enjoyed this part of the night.’  Capressce 8.8


‘Well organised and welcoming to the grade 6 students.’ Zeke 9.3


‘It was great that students got to find out different thing we offer and they got to see them through real life experiences.’ Jade 9.3


‘The passport were a great opportunity to learn about our school. And they will be helpful for students coming to Staughton next year.’ Caitlyn 9.3