Principal's Report

Cultural Diversity Week

Cultural diversity is a very important part of life at Staughton College. Last week, we celebrated Cultural Diversity Week. Activities have included a Cultural Fashion parade and Performances, World Music on Staughton radio and a ‘Tastes of the World’ event.


I would like to thank our Cultural Captains Halina Alama and Sakir Nawaz for their hard work, enthusiasm and dedication in promoting and organising the events. 

I would also like to thank the our staff Felicity Hemiak and Yvette Medina, for their coordination of the week, including being flexible when the weather was not helpful! It has been a great week of celebration of the diversity of our Staughton College community.

Key Dates

The key dates for Term 2 are listed below. I have also sent all families a copy in the interim reports that you will receive shortly.



18th April – 30th Jun


Key Dates

Easter Monday Holiday: Monday 17th April

Student Free Day: Friday 21st April

Anzac Day Holiday: Tuesday 25th April

Parent Teacher Student Conferences: Tuesday 2nd May

Athletics Carnival: Friday 26th May

Queen’s Birthday Holiday: Monday 12th June

Early Dismissal at 12.50pm: Thursday 29th June


