Multimedia News

Digital Artistry: Year 10 Multimedia, Art & Design

Students have been learning and using software programs to enhance their digital artistic skills, abilities and practice. Also, students have familiarised themselves with professional practices, on how movies/animations like Star Wars, Marvel, Disney and DreamWorks are made.  We have examined a variety of people working in the industry and their concerns like intellectual property or sharing their work using Creative Commons. Professional artists’ everyday use design elements, design principles and a design process. Students have closely looked at a number of examples and have applied relevant aspects in their work. Students now have a much wider understanding, appreciation and a working vocabulary. Whether that be how to professionally use the features of a digital camera and devices, and create, manipulate and organise assets using software to make an animation or a movie to realise their vision.

Stills from Year10 Multimedia, Art and Design student animations.


John Eckel

Multimedia, Art & Design Teacher