Principals' Report

Principal Team Report 


On behalf of the College staff and community, I would like to extend my sincere congratulations and best wishes for all future endeavours to the Year 12 Class of 2019. We are extremely proud of the excellent overall VCE results, which included many outstanding individual and subject scores. The dedication and hard work of all students led to Koonung Secondary College’s strongest results in over a decade with a median study score of 33 achieved, 32% of students receiving an ATAR above 90% and 54% of students earning an ATAR of 80 or above.

We acknowledge the committed and quality teaching exhibited by our teachers across the College as well as the invaluable care given by our education support staff. The students were also very well supported by the Senior School team, led by Conor Sheehan, the Wellbeing team and the Careers team.

We would also like to thank our Year 12 parents/guardians, as well as the wider Koonung community for the love and care they have given our students which led to them achieving many personal goals in preparation for an exciting future.

As always at this time, it is important to acknowledge that there are many success stories to celebrate beyond an ATAR score.  It is timely to recognise the significant personal growth achieved by each of our students, many of whom have overcome significant challenges and hardships to complete their VCE year.  These outcomes are the result of the collective hard work and support by students, their families and friends in partnership with the College.


Overall Summary

Congratulations to Samuel Yang who is the Dux of the College with an ATAR of 99.55.


148 students completed their VCE with 99% Satisfactory Completion


142 achieved an ATAR, 6 students were unscored


28 students were awarded the VCE Baccalaureate


31 Students were enrolled in a VET Certificate with 100% units of competency completed.


The Median Study Score = 33  (2018 = 32), (2017 = 31)


9.3% of study scores earned 40 or above (2018 = 10.8% ) (2017 = 8.94%)


Median Study Score for Year 11 Students completing Unit 3/4 =


ATARS above 95 (Top 5 %) = 13.2% (2018 = 9.5%) (2017 = 10. 7%)


ATARS above 90 (Top 10%) = 32% (2018 = 17.5%) (2017 = 22.15%)


15 Studies/subjects achieved a Median study score of 32 or above. (2018 = 13) (2017 = 11)


I would like to take this opportunity to formally thank all members of the School Council and PFA for their contributions and support of the College, our programs, staff and students during 2019. Your generosity and commitment to a range of events and activities is greatly appreciated.


Thank you also to our Student Leaders and Student representatives on School Council who have provided an important student perspective to our meetings. Annaliese Hawkins and Sebastian Jose have been active members of the committee in their roles as School Captains and I wish them well in their future education. Eric Zou and Blair Tink have also contributed effectively and will continue to add value to the council in 2020.


I am very fortunate to work with a wonderful student body and a dedicated and talented staff.

Thank you also to the Principal team of Mary Eade, Sandra Greenhill and Stace Kerr. It is rewarding to be part of such a cohesive team whose goals are strongly aligned.


Finally, I would like to wish all of our families, friends, students and staff members a restful and safe Christmas and Happy New Year. I am looking forward to another exciting and productive year ahead.   


Marianne Lee


Staff farewells  

As we reach the end of the 2019 school year, once again we farewell staff. Chris Sheehan has received a promotional position at Norwood Secondary College, and Emily Biernacki is taking up an opportunity at Lauriston Girls’ School. Ning Zhang will be transferring to Doncaster Secondary College. All have provided years of dedication to their students and will be missed by all members of the Koonung community. We also thank the following staff who have filled short-term replacement positions this year: Ting Zhao, Anne Exell, Barry Haines and Etienne Folliot, as well as Nicole Robinson, who is returning to her substantive role as our Lab Technician.


Mary Eade 

Assistant Principal 

Intern Emily Brown - Principal Preparation course


Over the past nine weeks I have been a part of the Principal team here at Koonung Secondary College. I have watched, listened and learned a lot about the culture of this thriving school community.


The reason I am here is because I am currently a participant of the Bastow Unlocking Potential Principal Preparation course. Bastow is an educational organisation that provides educational leadership training to Victorian educators with the sole purpose to improve student outcomes.

Over the past year I have been learning about the qualities needed to be a highly effective principal. As part of this program, I have had the privilege of shadowing Marianne and her team as part of the course’s internship program. The goal of the internship is to see how Principals operate and discover what the reality of the job is.  


I have learned a lot and look forward to implementing many new insights into my practice. I have been very fortunate to have my placement during term 4. There is so much work that goes on behind the scenes in preparation for the new academic year.


I have also worked with some of the school’s leading teachers, sharing my knowledge and skills. I hope that I have been able to provide a little extra support and ‘food for thought’ to the highly skilled and very dedicated teams here at KSC. 


I would like to thank everyone who has made me feel so welcome during my time here at Koonung Secondary College. I have been very humbled by the dedication and commitment the staff, students and parent community have for the school, ensuring that every student has the opportunity to achieve success.

Emily Brown 

Presentation Night 

Kooyong Awards - Claire Morgan and Alvin Fung   

The Kooyong Student Prize is an annual award recognising local school students for excellence, leadership, and their contribution to the school community. Two students are awarded from each school. Congratulations to Claire Morgan (11D) and Alvin Fung (11B) who are the Koonung recipients for this award. 


Sandra Greenhill 

Assistant Principal 

Community Award 

Congratulations to Gill Ross, who was awarded the Box Hill Tennis Club Club member of the year award for 2019 in recognition of her work on the committee and in membership liaison. The club has 26 night teams and 28 junior teams, making it one of the largest clubs in the Eastern suburbs. Without Gill's dedicated voluntary work, these membership numbers would not be sustainable. 


Stace Kerr

Business Manager