
Science Lessons

It’s been another exciting term in Science, with students exploring a wide variety of activities and learning all new scientific concepts. Preps and Grade one students have been exploring Fossils, Spiders and Insects. Grade two through to grade six, have been exploring the topics of Flight, Friction and Catapults, and are about to explore a Cellular world, through the use of our newly acquired Microscopes.


Many students have excelled in their practical and experimental work, as well as, demonstrating a clear knowledge of the scientific concepts involved in each task. The Balloon Powered Rocket experiment was a hit with all students, with some record times being recorded for the competitive task. With only a few weeks remaining until the school holidays, students will be investigating the topics of Dragonfly’s, Cellular Plant and Human Biology, and the exciting world of Robotic and Electrical Engineering.


Rohan Lelliott