School News

Kindergarten Enrolments

Kindergarten enrolments for 2020 are now open.  Interviews are currently being conducted.


If you have already collected an enrolment package for your Kindergarten 2020 child, please complete the form and return it to the school office as soon as possible so your enrolment interview can be scheduled. 


Please note, that until enrolment paperwork is received at the school office, we can not hold places for Kindergarten 2020.  Therefore, if you currently have a child at St Mary's and have a younger sibling starting Kinder next year, please let the school office know as soon as possible.


If you haven't yet collected a pack, they are available from the school office. 

Compass App

Skoolbag has been replaced by Compass Notifications.  Please ensure you download the Compass app on your phone to continue getting instant notifications about upcoming school events.  You can download the app by searching for "Compass School Manager" in your app store.  To find St Mary's Catholic Primary School search for "Armidale".  Every parent has received a separate login to Compass. 


If you need assistance or have any questions, please contact our School Office on 6772 4441 or email

Uniforms for Term 4

Term 4 Sport Uniform days are as follows:


Yellow Sport Shirt:

Tuesdays - Year 3 and Year 4

Wednesdays - Kinder, Year 1, Year 2

Thursday - Year 5 and Year 6


Coloured House Shirt - Fridays for all classes.

Whole School Assembly

The next Whole School Assembly is this Friday, 25th October at 2.40pm in St Anne's Hall.  Stage 3 will be presenting an item.  All are welcome!!  

Newsletter Contributions

Contributions for the next newsletter need to be emailed to by 5pm, Tuesday 5th November 2019.