Dates to Remember

Please Note:

The 2019-2020 school year at the TDSB begins on Tuesday, September 3, 2019 following the Labour Day long weekend. For more information about important dates and holidays for the upcoming school year, please refer to the 2019-20 School Year Calendar.


This page is a summary of what is on the Northlea Google Calendar. While we make every effort to include relevant dates on this page, we ask that you please also cross reference with the Northlea Google Calendar as that is the most up to date and comprehensive source of information. Teachers will also share their personal class information with you that will not be reflected on the school-wide calendar. 

October 2019

Thursday, October 3rd - Curriculum Night 

Friday, October 4th - Cross Country Meet - Earl Bales Park

Tuesday, October 8th - Cross Country Race at Northlea for Grades 1 & 2 participants (8:00-8:30 am)

Thursday, October 10th - Picture Day

Friday, October 11th - PA Day - No school

Monday, October 14th - Thanksgiving - School Closed

Tuesday, October 15th - Barrier Free & Cross Country Finals at Earl Bales Park 

Thursday, October 17th - Grade 7 Vaccinations

Monday, October 21st - Northlea is a polling station site for the federal election

Thursday, October 24th- Pizza Lunch and Grade 8 - 9 Transition Parent Information Evening  6:00- 7:00 Northlea South Gym & Costume Drive/Swap

Tuesday, October 29th - Blood Donor Clinic 3:30 - 9:00 PM - North Gym

Thursday, October 31st - Halloween - See Admin. Update for additional information

November 2019

Wednesday, November 6th - Home and School Meeting - 6:30 PM - School Library

Friday, November 8th - Intensive Support Program (DD Exceptionality) Parent - Staff Discussion  @ 9 am - School Library

Monday, November 11th - Remembrance Day - Details about assemblies TBD

Wednesday, November 13th - Breakfast at Thorncliffe Park School for parents who bus their children to Northlea

Thursday, November 14th - Parent-Teacher Interviews 3:45-7:00 PM

Friday, November 15th - PA Day - Parent- Teacher Interviews 8:35-11:35 am 

Thursday, November 21st - Pizza Lunch

Monday, November 25th - Home and School Meeting - Funding Proposals

December 2019

Friday, December 6th - PA Day

Tuesday, December 10th  - Winter Concerts - Afternoon and Evening  **Pls. note the Revised Date

Thursday, December 19th - Pizza Lunch