From the Principal

We are excited to welcome Linda Buckeridge to the Principal Class team in the role of Year 7/8 Assistant Principal and Lisa Monaghan in the role of Year 9/Inclusion Assistant Principal.

It’s Legally Blonde week! I was am really proud of the hard work and effort that the production team have put in place to make sure that the opening night is spectacular. If you haven’t already secured your tickets I encourage you to try and get some for upcoming performances. It is your opportunity to see the culmination of an enormous amount of work and commitment from students, staff and parents.


Senior school careers and pathways counselling was a great success and the preparation for 2019 is well underway. Over the last few weeks, intensive Course Counselling sessions have been undertaken with parents and Year 10 and 11 students to ensure they are well informed in selecting their senior years learning pathway. It’s always very rewarding to see young people and their parents/carers discuss the varied and engaging opportunities available for study here at Cranbourne East Secondary College and external Tertiary Institutions.

At CESC we have high expectations for our students and teachers. These high expectations are evident through consistent standards around attendance, uniform, student learning behaviours, teachers using our Instructional Model, and how we assess and support all learners. To phrase this another way, if students consistently bring maximum effort and positive learning behaviours, and teachers consistently implement our agreed teaching approaches, then student outcomes will continue to improve. This is the essence of our high expectations. We appreciate your efforts at home to support the achievement of these expectations.




Mandee Strickland

