Teaching and Learning

Teaching and Learning


Year 7, 8 and 9 students will be busily working on their English essays in the coming weeks.


The Scoresby Online Access Resource (SOAR) will help students to understand how to write a text response.


SOAR has been developed by the English faculty at Scoresby Secondary College to complement, consolidate and extend students’ learning outside of school hours.


Personalised for our students, SOAR marries evidence-based teaching practices with engaging ICT strategies to mirror eLearning trends in tertiary education, both locally and internationally.


Whether they are completing homework, completing assessments or completing work missed through absence, SOAR will ensure your child has meaningful support from their English teachers after school, on weekends and during the school holidays.


To access the resources, go to: https://vimeo.com/album/5848695

They are password protected, so only our students can access them. The password is 'Scoresby.'



What an exciting start to the year. Year 7 and 8 started the year with Number and Place Value, whilst year 9 learnt about Financial Maths and year 10 completing the Statistics topic.  We have already seen some amazing growth throughout the first term.


Year 7 – 9 are currently completing Statistics with the year 10’s undertaking Probability.  Students in year 7 have been completing an inquiry statistics assignment answering questions such as

“Who is the most successful team in the AFL?”

“Is the birth-rate declining world-wide?”

“Who is the richest country per capita?”


Students are working collaboratively to gather data and interpret it.


The QuickSmart program has started for term one.  QuickSmart works by improving basic academic skills in numeracy.  Students are withdrawn three times a week for intervention builder their basic numeracy skills.

Murray Cronin

Curriculum & Pedagogy