The Leader In Me


Head of Teaching & Learning

On behalf of Kathy Haramis, Leadership Facilitator


Shining Leaders at Prep Orientation

Our Year 5 leaders synergised their efforts to plan, write and present a very informative presentation on The 7 Habits.  The students gave up part of their lunchtimes to rehearse their presentations, and put their ICT skills into action to put everything into a PowerPoint presentation.


They are truly living The 7 Habits, and took the time to evaluate how applying The 7 Habits has impacted their learning, their relationships with friends, teachers and their school community.


It can be daunting to speak to a large audience, and I am very proud of our leaders who spoke with clarity and confidence. 


In the Junior School we are beginning to delve into developing an understanding of what it means to ‘Find Your Voice’, Habit 8.  Here is a small excerpt from Paras Gerantidis and Prnav Ahuja’s presentation.



To find your voice ask four questions. What are your abilities? What do you like? What can you help with? And what do people expect of you? You need to be passionate about whatever you do in life, you have to believe it’s the right thing and support the action, or the goal, or the dream 100% of the way.


Well done to all of the Year 5s that chose to take part in sharing their in-depth knowledge of The Leader In Me.