Senior School

Head of Senior School


Head of Senior School


The term will end in a few short weeks. As always the focus in the business end of the school is on assessment, examinations or preparation for both.


At this time of the year, students have completed all the required work and should now be focused on revision. Recall is not what is examined. The ability to comprehend, logically process information and then construct an answer using information from a question is what is examined.


Students are challenged by unfamiliar contexts to read and think before they start writing an answer. Most rush in without taking a deliberate pause to consider how to respond before they commence the answer. Many simply repeat the question without determining what it is asking, and so do not really answer it despite writing what they consider is a long response.


So, top tips for revision and examinations:

  1. Clear organised notes – if they aren’t done by now it’s probably too late
  2. Attempt as many practice questions as possible – writing practice is the key, not reading notes
  3. Talk to teachers about the practice questions - have them mark them and provide feedback
  4. Eat well, have plenty of water and sleep
  5. Get off your phone and social media
  6. Take time to read and analyse questions
  7. Plan the answer - don’t rush it and don’t repeat the question in the answer

Remembrance Day Service

The new student leadership team accompanied me to the Oakleigh and Carnegie RSL Remembrance day service, on Saturday 11 November. This was their first official duty as the School’s 2018 student leaders, and they performed their roles proudly.


Well done to Eva Demirgelis, Christina Gougoussis, Tomas Smith, Anthony Tawfilis, and Nicola Zois who attended.

The positions of the 2018 School’s Student Leaders will be formally announced at the Middle and Senior School Awards Evening, Thursday 7 December.    


Senior School Examinations

Examinations will commence for Years 10 and 11 next Monday 20 November and will run until Thursday 23 November. Students will be dismissed, with parental permission, following their last examination each day. Pertinent information regarding examinations has been forwarded to families and students already.


Transition Program

Students will commence the VCE 2018 Transition Program on Monday 27 November. The program will run until Wednesday 6 December, which is the final day of the year for the Senior School students. Information and timetables have been forwarded to families and students already.


I wish all the families in Senior School a very safe and happy Christmas, and look forward to seeing you again next year!