Dates to Remember

End of Term
Early Dismissal
Friday 28th September
Term 4 Commences
Monday 15th October
WillPOWER Carnival
Thursday 25th October
School Assembly / Newsletter
Friday 26th October
Governing Council
Monday 29th October 7pm
ATSI Graduation
Wednesday 31st October
Twilight Sports Day
Thursday 1st November
Almond Tree Flat
1:00pm Students arrive at school
1:15 Classes move to oval and assemble in teams
Opening Ceremony
Team Captains introduced
Team Captains lead health hustle warm up
1:45 R – 7 Championship Sprints
2:00 Class Tabloid activities begin
3:00 Afternoon tea/snack
3:15 Tabloid events continue
4:45 Picnic Dinner
5:15 Tabloid events continue (yr 3-7)
R-2 Sprints
5:45 R - 7 Team Relay
Staff vs Parents vs House Captains Relay
Presentation of Sports Day Shield
School Closure
Friday 2nd November