News From the Principal

Dear Families,

I am not sure if it comes with age or not but the terms really seem to fly by!!!

As we look back on Term 3, we begin to realise how many exciting events happen in our school on top of our daily routines. Some of these have included:

Sports – Netball, Soccer, Cross Country, Book Week, Excursions including Art Gallery,  Aboriginal Performance, School Photos,  STEM Opening, Parent Cyber safety workshop, Footy Colours Day, Discos and many others.

Thank you to all the staff and parent volunteers that have supported our programs throughout the term.


Staffing Information

I would like to congratulate the following staff who have won permanent teaching positions at Largs Bay from next year:

Daina Wilson, Chelsea Bernardi, Georga Tyson & Lia Taylor.


Staff Professional Development

We are regularly supporting staff to expand their knowledge and expertise in particular curriculum areas. For the past few years, teachers have been using a spelling program called Words Their Way. One of the co-authors of the program, Chris Killey, visited the school this week and demonstrated some of the teaching skills associated with the program.

Both the teachers and students thoroughly enjoyed the sessions and this learning will be taken into future teaching of spelling at Largs Bay.




Class Placements 2019

Early next term, we will begin our class placement process for 2019.

With close to 600 children next year, this is a complex and time consuming exercise, as we take into consideration such things as mix of students, composite and straight classes, boy / girl ratios, friendships, educational and social aspects, class size, etc.

Our teaching staff are very experienced at placing students based on these and other factors.

If you have any special requests or relevant information, I ask that you put it in writing to me, no later than next Friday 26th October (Week 2). Please note that this does not include specific teacher requests.

While requests will be taken into consideration when planning, it is not always possible to meet all of these.

Thank you for your on-going support.


OSHC Award

Marcus Room 33

For always showing OSHC values, for being super helpful and polite and for always demonstrating strong leadership in being a positive role model for all at OSHC.


Outstanding Achievement Awards – Term 3

At the end of each term, two students from each class are nominated by their teacher to receive the Principal’s Outstanding Achievement Award. The winners can be found in this newsletter.

Congratulations to all of them on such a successful term.

Room    3    Olive    Excellence in all areas of literacy.

Room    3    Callum    Excellence in all areas of the curriculum.

Room    4    Charlotte     Excellence in all areas of literacy.

Room    4    Taijae    Excellence in reading.

Room    5    Alyssa     Excellence in all areas of the curriculum.

Room    5    Koby     Excellence in maths and reading.

Room    5a    Hannah    Excellence in all areas of the curriculum.

Room    5a    Jackson     Excellence in reading.

Room    10    Jack    Excellence in all areas of the curriculum.

Room    10    Shelby   Excellence in all areas of the curriculum.

Room    11    Hayden    Excellence in demonstrating the school values 

Room    11    Cassady   Excellence in demonstrating the school values 

Room    12    Zoe     Excellence in all areas of the curriculum.

Room    12    Liam     Excellence in all areas of the curriculum.

Room    13    Lexi    Excellence in all areas of the curriculum 

Room    13    Thomas     Excellence in all areas of maths.

Room    14    Ebony-Rose      Excellence in all areas of the curriculum.

Room    14    Finn     Excellence in reading.

Room    16    Evelyn    Excellence in English.

Room    16    Xander     Excellence in all areas of the curriculum.

Room    17    Devyne    Excellence in demonstrating the school values.

Room    17    Riley     Excellence in persistence in his learning.

Room    19    Anika     Excellence in and persistence in all areas of the curriculum, while upholding the school values.

Room    19    Dash    Excellence in his growth mindset approach to all learning areas. 

Room    20    Blake     Excellence in always demonstrating the school values. 

Room    20    Kenzie     Excellence in her growth mindset approach to all learning areas. 

Room    22    Isabel     Excellence in demonstrating the school values. 

Room    22    Leeo     Excellence in all areas of the curriculum.

Room    23    Cillian     Excellence in demonstrating the school values in his learning.

Room    23    Gracy    Excellence in demonstrating the school values in her learning.

Room    26    Stella    Excellence in all areas of the curriculum. 

Room    26    Nash    Excellence in Literacy

Room    27    Oscar     Excellence in Literacy, Numeracy and Science.

Room    27    Matilda    Excellence in her growth mindset approach to all learning areas. 

Room    29    Seavy    Excellence in all areas of the curriculum.

Room    29    Max     Excellence in demonstrating all of the school values, particularly respect.

Room    30    Maddie    Excellence in all areas of the curriculum, while upholding the school values.

Room    30    Joshua     Excellence in all areas of the curriculum and in his role as a school leader.

Room    31    Jake     Excellence in all areas of the curriculum.

Room    31    Aiko     Excellence in all areas of the curriculum.

Room    32    Jack    Excellence in all areas of the curriculum

Room    32    Annalise     Excellence in all areas of the curriculum, while upholding the school values.

Room    33    Marcus     Excellence in all areas of the curriculum. 

Room    33    Tully    Excellence in all areas of the curriculum.

Term 3 Outstanding Attendance Award

I am very pleased to announce that we had 46 perfect attenders for Term 3. Following the draw, I would like to congratulate Cooper W from Room 5. As the winner, Cooper takes home a $20 Westfield voucher as well as the Outstanding Attendance Certificate for the term.


Enjoy the Break

On behalf of all the staff, I hope you enjoy the break with your children and we look forward to seeing everyone back safe and well next term.

School resumes on Monday 15th October.


All the best
