Principal's Report
The three values of the school are often the subject of addresses at assembly and for articles such as this one.
As I say to the students, our values are only words unless we live them. This term has witnessed so many of our students and staff contributing to both the school and the wider community. And in the process, demonstrating their many talents and abilities; enriching the school community.
Term 2 has been a slightly longer term; one week does make a difference! And we have managed to fill every week with something of importance; and we conduct classes too. While earlier in the term we witnessed the school play, for example, the last five weeks have been equally action packed. In many respects, the highlight of the term has been the House Chorals. Rehearsals began last term and picked up in frequency and intensity the closer to the actual day of competition. While the competition provides an opportunity for the musicians to display their talents, every student contributes to the massed singing; working as one to deliver outstanding performances.
The standard of the performances have improved year after year and I believe that has been a combination of having a dedicated Director of Music and the increasing acceptance by the whole school community of the importance of chorals. Chorals is the defining activity in the school that witnesses the closest collaboration between students and staff. And the Houses are led by the students, who conduct, arrange the music and provide the stage crews.
For those less musically talented, Art, Design & Technology (ADT) Week provided multiple opportunities for students to display their artistic abilities. The art produced by our students is of an incredibly high standard; I proudly display student art in my office. And this week we have LOTE Week; a celebration of the many cultures represented in our school community and not only the languages we teach. The toga workshop was certainly a change to previous years, as was the taekwondo demonstration in the Agora. Although I believe everybody’s favourite free dress day is during LOTE Week, when students, and staff, are encouraged to wear their ‘national’ dress.
Of particular note has been the success of both students and staff at the Williamstown Literary Festival. Our students figured prominently in ‘The Young Adas Short Story’ Competition, with Catherine T winning and Elise H being runner-up. Alex M was commended, and Sophia A and Celeste N were shortlisted. All five students have had their work published. Ms Helen Bradwell, one of our English teachers, won ‘The Ada Cambridge Poetry Prize’; her work was also published. While many people believe we’re just a maths and science school, these results clearly indicate that our students, and staff, contribute in many academic fields of endeavour.
While students and staff contribute across a wide range of activities, the enhancement of the school continues. We have just started the upgrade of the audio visual set up in the auditorium. This will dramatically improve this facility for the benefit of the whole community. This has been in addition to the new basketball court outside, complete with safety fence, and continuing research into updating the science laboratory facilities.
We will finish the term with the Year 12 Formal, the first of the three major celebrations for our Year 12 students. The next two, which we expect them to attend, is Presentation Night and Valedictory Dinner in Term 4.
I wish all members of the school community a safe and productive term break.
Colin Axup