Year 3 Camp to Forest Edge

The Flying Fox


By Tanush 3A

'Crunch, crunch, crunch', my feet slowly lifted off the ground, and then back on. I reached the top and got buckled in as the wind rushed past me. 

The sun devoured the white clouds in the natural landscape around me. 'Whoosh!' Howls of wind shot into my ear as I sailed along the flying fox! 

Fresh minty air filled into my mouth as I shouted 'Kawabunga!'



By Penny 3B

I glimpsed water droplets zooming past my face at zooming speed. I observed the brown dust at the bottom of the slide, still as if waiting for me to stir them in the crystal clear water. The screams of exhilaration from the person going down the slide, reaches my ears loud and clear. The cooing of the birds as I climbed up the hill for another turn, was the only sound I could hear. The smell of the grass was overpowering as I trudged up the hill. The fresh air wafted through my nose as I climbed the hill again and again. It was amazing! 


By Callan 3A

As soon as I stepped onto the archery range, I was so nervous! I pulled the bow back and... I struck the red?! I glanced towards the shiny spiked object on the colourful target, everyone cheered! 

I breathed in slowly and tasted the loud shouts of joy in the air! As the celebration died down, the next person hit the target with a loud 'thump!'

My nostrils feel an amazing tingling feeling as I breathe in the beautiful fresh air.  




By Chole 3B

I felt butterflies in my stomach, as I emerged from the bushy forest. I spotted collapsed trees with roots completely ripped out of the ground. We heard the laughing of kookaburras, but apart from that, it was silent. Then my heart pounded as I smelled wet squelchy grass. I could touch smooth ferns. in the end, I loved it. 


By Saiya 3D

I heard the loud laughs of the unique kookaburra, the gentle rustling of the leaves blowing in the wind, the children singing around the warm campfire. 

I grabbed the longest stick I could possibly find and plunged the marshmallow onto the rough, bumpy object. 

I tasted the gooey, warm, sticky, delicious marshmallow, melting in my mouth. 




By Lily 3E

As I slowly stepped into the cold, icy, frozen water, i heard a loud, nasty, ear shocking shriek... 'Arghhhhh!! The water is freezing cold!' I stepped into the water. It was cold. In fact, it was cold as ever! As I slowey went further in, it got colder and colder! Finally, I got used to it. I walked te opposite way as the current. I pushed my way past the current. When I thought I had gone out far enough, I doggy paddled top to stop me getting swept away. It was so much fun!

Out neighbour