Student Wellbeing 

Student Wellbeing encompasses the following areas:  Student Engagement, Student Connectedness, Classroom Climates, Inclusion and Prevention to Intervention

The Resilience Project

Next year we will be partnering with The Resilience Project Team. Next year you will get more information regarding how to access The Parent Hub. The Resilience Project People will have meetings to explain the project and what it entails. Below is some information about the project.

Why is resilience and wellbeing important?

  1. Children who are not well emotionally will not be able to learn. When we are stressed the part of our brain responsible for learning does not work.
  2. Calm children can focus and retain more information.
  3. Resilience enables children to take safe risks without fear of failure.
  4. The statistics indicate that the number of adults struggling with mental ill health has increased over the years.
  5. Statistics also tell us that mental ill health is affecting young people at alarming rates and the onset is getting earlier. Prevention is the key to seeing these figures improve.

What does this program look like in the classroom? 

What will my child be doing?

  1. Your child will complete a variety of activities that introduce them to the Resilience Project key pillars of Gratitude, Empathy and Mindfulness.
  2. The activities will give them a chance to practice these concepts, individually and in groups.
  3. Children will be encouraged to develop habits of practising these concepts on a daily basis outside of the lessons. You can play a big role in supporting this.

What is gratitude, empathy and mindfulness? 

Why these?

  • Gratitude is defined as being thankful for what you’ve got.
  • Empathy is thinking about what others are feeling. It’s about being kind to others.
  • Mindfulness is bringing your attention to the present moment. It builds awareness of thoughts, emotions and surroundings, as well as a sense of calm.

There is a wealth of supporting academic research on the mental and physical benefits of these strategies. More information can be found on the References & Reading section of our website.

To learn more about The Resilience Project Follow this link.