SEAL Transition Day

It was a pleasure to welcome the new SEAL class of 2022 to Emerald Secondary College on Friday 3rd December.  Students participated in a range of innovative, creative and abstract activities throughout the day to experience a small taste of what Emerald Secondary College can offer these students throughout the program.


Students undertook an investigation into the physics of flight, exploring Newtons Laws and the Bernoulli Effect. This took place through a series of experiments and activities designed to show what forces are present in flight and how they are created. Students then built rockets and discussed aspects of aerodynamics, weight distribution and propulsion. Students also observed the STEM lasers, 3D printing, and robotics. To conclude the day students launched their rockets on the school oval and enjoyed playing with their new aircraft gift given to them by Mr Gibbs. 


All students had an enjoyable day meeting their new class mates we look forward to seeing our new SEAL class in 2022.

Jarrad Donders – SEAL Coordinator