International Student - Lionel Yu

I have worked as an International Student Coordinator for around six years. Lionel might be the first student that I met who has displayed his in depth understanding of Chinese culture and its language in a school setting. In 2020 he finished his VCE Chinese First Language examination. As his raw score was over a certain mark, he was interviewed by VSL, so others could learn from him.
Although he was learning Chinese as his native language, it is still extremely difficult. What I learnt from Lionel was that he displayed his patriotism to China, while he also learnt from our teachers, homestay host and his fellow Australian schoolmates. In a short period of 3 years, he stayed with four homestay hosts and eventually moved to stay with his uncle and aunty in Wantirna.
There were numerous conversations about things that he could ask me, but he did not ask me for a well wishes decoration for the Lunar New Year best wishes banner in February 2021 at our English as Additional Language Classroom. That was a wonderful and clever initiative. He thought I would be angry about using the colour white in the new year, but I was not. In fact, I could not believe that we could not get a piece of paper in Chinese red. It means good fortune. And because the calligraphy of the word fortune was placed upside down, it carries a notion of Happiness and Good Fortune had already arrived in Fairhills. It might have been Lionel’s banner that changed our fortune altogether. All five of our VCE year 12 students had successfully finished their VCE studies in this challenging year, even though a student was still living overseas and another student had an accident.
As Lionel had achieved his academic excellence in Chinese First Language, I would like to congratulate him for his hard work. You will notice that he loves to wear his Chinese tunic suit quite often in cultural celebration days at school. I am sure when he returns to our school next time, he will be wearing his Chinese tunic suit for that school event as well.
Edmund Chow
International Student Coordinator
Congratulations to Lionel YU - Achieving a VCE Language subject score of 40+ (2020)
Responses to Lionel's academic excellence in 2020 VCE Chinese First Language result. Lionel was interviewed by Victorian School of Languages for his outstanding achievement ( February 2021).
Q: Why did you study a language at the Victorian School of Language?
A: I have no choice (ha ha ha). Certainly, it is great.
Q: What was the main challenge you faced during the 2020 coronavirus restrictions and how did you cope?
A: The biggest problem was the online discussion of speech work was not effective enough so that I spent more time on it by sending e-mail or talking on Zoom for the higher level.
Q: What was the most enjoyable aspect of your class?
A: I must answer “my teacher”. She is experienced and responsible with high level of teaching. Due to following with her, I could feel a great learning atmosphere in the class and get the high mark of exams.
Q: What do you think are the benefits of pursuing language study?
A: I can feel the charm of language, learn about the logic of speaking and strengthen the pride and confidence of Chinese with the culture.
Q: What advice would you give younger students studying a language?
A: As a Chinese native speaker, I am only capable to talk about Chinese. China has 5,000 years history. As I am learning Chinese, I learn about the history and culture is necessary because they are a great part of logic of Chinese and they have melt in the language. I agree with a viewpoint: language is the most basic logic of a nation. Furthermore, the higher, learn more about Chinese characters and Chinese traditional article and poems. They are great treasures of Chinese culture and they have made a great influence of many countries around China. The more we learn, the more charm of them we will feel. In addition, you can learn about some Chinese dialects. It is interesting.
Q: What do you plan to do in the future and how would you use those language skills you have acquired?
A: Keep the heart of pursuing learning Chinese and other language by using the skills.
Edmund Chow
International Student Coordinator