2022 Re-Enrolment Details

Are your details up to date?
As students progress through the year levels, we ask parents and carers to ensure that all contact details are up to date. Have you changed something small like your email address or mobile phone number, or even your address?
If you have, we ask that you please contact the school. We can change some of the smaller details over the phone, or we can provide a print out of information currently on file, you make the changes and return to us for updating. Please note that all requests to change Primary contacts on student details and records requires the consent of both contacts or court order.
This week, all current Year 7 to 11 families will have received an email with the current details and records in our system. Please check this email and information, and contct the school if any changes are required.
The Camps, Sports and Excursions Fund (CSEF) provides payments for eligible students to attend activities like:
- school camps or trips
- swimming and school-organised sport programs
- outdoor education programs
- excursions and incursions.
The CSEF payment cannot be used towards books, stationery, school uniforms, before/after school care, music lessons, or formals/graduations
Families holding a valid means-tested concession card or temporary foster parents are eligible to apply. A Special Consideration category also exists. Schools can receive applications from families over term one and two. For more information on eligibility, please see-
Families can list more than one student in the one application form if they are attending the same school.
Reservoir High will be operating a Bring Your Own Device program for all students in Years 9 to 12 in 2022. Students in Years 7 and 8 are not to bring devices to school. As a school, we resource all Curriculum areas with devices that support the teaching and learning. Please see the BYOD 2022 page in this newsletter for more information.
Textbooks and school equipment can be purchased by families from any provider. We recommend 'North of the Yarra' School Booksellers who provide the text book lists for our school. Please see our school website for more details of the 2022 Textbook lists or direct from North of the Yarra at https://www.northoftheyarra.com.au/Uniforms
Text book lists for 2022 are-
A reminder that the uniform provider for Reservoir High School is Academy uniform. Orders can be made on-line through https://academyuniforms.com.au/
or by contacting the Academy Uniform store in Thomastown. The details for the store in Thomastown are-
Phone: +61 3 9460 8011
238 Wolseley Place,Thomastown VIC 3074
Opening Hours:Mon – Fri 9am-5pm, Saturday 9am-12pm