Reservoir High Master Plan

Approved plan for School rebuild

Approved plans for School Re-build


In May 2021, the Victorian Government announced as part of its annual Budget, a total of $4.35 million to both plan a Master Plan for School Rebuild and fund the Stage 1 building. 


Following the appointment of Brand Architects, the team from Brand together with the Victorian School Building Authority (VSBA) and the school have developed and approved a Three Stage Building Plan for Reservoir High School.  . This includes-



Stage 1: New Food Technology and Art building (to partly replace and refurbish the existing B Block building) – FUNDED and construction to occur in 2022

Stage 2: Refurbishment to D Block to create a STEM building (Science, Technology, Engineering and Mathematics)

Stage 3: Middle School Building- Partly demolish existing LTC buildings and replace with new Middle School building.


RHS Master Plan
RHS Master Plan


Stage 1-


In 2022, refurbishment of part of the B Block and construction of a new building will begin for  new Art and Food Technology spaces.  These new spaces will include 2 Food Technology spaces, Media room, new Textiles room,  VCD classroom, and refurbishment of B4, B5 and B6 to create three new Visual Art classrooms in the school. The centre piece will be a Gallery/Cafe space that will combine the Food Technology spaces with the Art classrooms/studios. 

Stage 2- STEM Building


Over the past 5 years, Reservoir High has seen a dramatic increase in student interest and pathways in Mathematics and Science. Our number one exit destination for Year 12 students is tertiary study in the field of Mathematics, Science and Health. We are seeing a boom in student selections in middle and Senior School Science and Mathematics, so we need a Science, Technology, Engineering and Mathematics building to both reflect the growth in the subject area, and to provide 21st Century learning spaces. 


Stage 2 is not yet funded. We are keen to see both Stage 2 and 3 funded in future State Government budgets. 



Stage 2 Proposed Design
New learning spaces in Science and Technology
Stage 2 Proposed Design
New learning spaces in Science and Technology