P.E & Health News

We have had a such a fantastic end to the year!


Our Senior Bike Education program was absolutely brilliant, the students all demonstrated excellent skills, determination to improve and wonderful etiquette when at school and out on our challenging but fun community bike ride. A huge thank you to all the parents and staff that supported the program, an extra special thank you to those that braved the warm weather to come on the big rides with us, we had a ball and are extraordinarily grateful! 


We also had some exceptional students selected to compete in the Division Athletics Carnival on Wednesday 1st of December. They all represented Rolling Hills beautifully and should be extremely proud of their efforts against tough competition on another warm day! A special congratulations to our students who won ribbons on the day including: Ava P 1st in Long Jump and 1st in Hurdles, Kenzie W 2nd in 1500m, Eva J 2nd in Long jump and Lily R 2nd in Discus and 3nd in Shot Put. 


Finally, it is with deep gratitude and appreciation that I say thank you for all of the support and kindness I have received here in my time at Rolling Hills Primary, I have loved every second I have gotten to spend with you all. But it is time for me to move on, I have accepted a position teaching high school Health and Physical Education (eeek) in a rural school closer to some of my family members. It is a bittersweet move, I am excited for a new chapter, adventure and challenge in my life but I am extremely sad to be leaving the wonderful community here, I miss you all so much and you will always be apart of my fondest memories. I am leaving you in very capable and enthusiastic hands, I am sure your Physical Education experience will continue to be immensely valuable and fun! 


I hope you all have a very Merry Christmas and a great holidays (hopefully full of bike riding, swimming and playing with friends/family)!


All the best, 

Miss Minton