Dates from VTAC

Updated Dates from VTAC & Year 12 appointments
Timely course applications for VTAC have now closed and SEAS is due by 5pm on Friday 8th October. Well done to all students that got these in on time.
Due to VCAA changing the ATAR release date from the 13th to 16th December, VTAC has cancelled the December offer round. This will not impact the number of offers being made, there will just be more made in the January Round now. There will still be four smaller offer rounds in February.
Change of Preference has now been extended until 4pm on Monday 20th December. If students have questions after the release of their ATAR, Ms Campion, Ms Jolly and Mrs Mackay will be available to answer questions on Thursday 16th and Friday 17th December.
Year 12 Appointments
Ms Jolly and Ms Campion have now had at least one face to face (or virtual) interview with nearly all Year 12 students. Repeat appointments are welcome.