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Welcome to the final Pathways Newsletter for 2022. Head Start for Years 8 to 12 is fast approaching. This year, VCE and VCAL students will have a one-week Head Start program commencing 29th November until 3rd December. Junior students will complete a two-week Head Start Program commencing on the same date but finishing on 10th December.
This Head Start Program is a wonderful opportunity for students to embrace their 2022 subjects and get a genuine insight into what their time in that subject looks like and what they could achieve. On Thursday and Friday (2nd and 3rd December) there will be the opportunity for senior students to request a subject change. The process for this will be communicated on Compass.
Who are we?
The Pathways team consists of:
Director of Pathways: Mrs Ann-Marie Mackay
2 Student Pathways Managers: Ms Sarah Jolly and Ms Tracey Campion
Administration Support: Ms Jen Chanter and Ms Jade Falzon
We are located in the Pathways Office, which has been relocated to the Senior Learning Centre (now on the oval) for 2021.
What do we do?
On a group level:
- Plan whole year level information sessions.
These are often run within the Aspire program with the focus of educating a whole year level about an aspect of careers education.
- Organise the subject selection process at Years 8-12.
A detailed process where students select their elective subjects at Years 8 and 9 and all their VCE subjects at Year 11 and 12. Subject selection will predominantly take place during Term 2 with confirmation and changes taking place in Term 4.
- Facilitate the VET program
VET subjects are offered at Brentwood and from many TAFEs and institutions. They are a nationally recognised vocational qualification that focus on practical skills, capabilities, and associated knowledge in specific industry areas.
- Morrisby Career Profile Assessment in Year 9
This is a government funded initiative which consists of the initial assessment and a formal interview to unpack results. The Morrisby Career Profile is designed to inspire and provide guidance on your strengths and interests and how to find career and study options that suit your style. It measures your verbal, numerical and abstract aptitudes. This will be combined with a snapshot of your talents, motivations, personality, and work preferences.
- Work Experience in Year 10
A one-week taste of a possible career. This program gives students hands on experience at work in their chosen industry.
- Assist Year 12 in applying for Universities and TAFEs
Detailed individual and group sessions to help assist Year 12 students with choosing what to do after secondary school.
On an individual level:
- Individual counselling
- Help students figure out who they are and what their interests are
- Assist students with transition to alternative settings
Students can easily make an appointment by popping into the Pathways Office.