From the Principal's desk

Hello DPS, 

It is so good to have students back at school and back in their classrooms learning. The energy is certainly back and amazingly it already, in some ways, feels like we were never away. It is unfortunate that it isn't possible to make up for the activities we usually organise at school. We have five weeks to go this year and we intend using them wisely to ensure we maximise every precious hour of everyday. We need to use our time strategically so we can maximise learning opportunities and outcomes for all students in the time we have left this term.

Our Grade 6's will have a Graduation for example, but it will be modified. The Grade 6 team are working together and assure you that the Graduation will be a celebration to remember! There have been different options discussed, but given our Covid case in recent days we are reminded of how quickly things can change. For that reason we discussed Graduation at school council this week and decided to go with a plan that can take place onsite rather than booking a venue which involves money and potential refunds or loss of refunds. One thing is certain, our Grade 6 team will be making sure the Graduation, although modified, will be something to remember!


It is great to see how quickly children have settled back, working hard in class, Guided reading and other routines have recommenced again with ease. It is also great to see friendships renewed. I think the biggest impact was that kids missed their friends! Let’s hope this is how we will continue.


As I reflect on 2021, I must thank our staff for their endless efforts in maintaining a connection with their students and families. It was a tricky time full of new challenges for everyone. Hence I must also thank you our parents, for trusting the process and for supporting your children in their education.  Thank you also to our School Councillors who have worked closely with the school, all be it electronically. Thank you also for the kind calls and messages, they are very much appreciated and often brightened our days! And, let's not forget the very reason we are here, the DPS kids, who have hung in there and kept up their motivation and produced some great work. Some have even thrived under remote learning. 


As mentioned in my Compass newsfeed earlier this week, we must take precautions where we can to ensure we are keeping as safe as possible. As you know, one Grade 6 class is isolating. The good news is that those we have heard from received negative tests and we are hopeful their follow up test prior to returning to school will also be negative, thereby allowing their return.

Now that we have had a positive case associated with DPS it is a reminder that we must continue to do what we can to prevent further cases.


Parents have been asked at drop off and pick up, to please social distance and wear a mask in line with ongoing restrictions and advice. Staggered dismissal times are there to promote social distancing:


Afternoon Routine 

  • Pick up time will be staggered.
  • Students to be dismissed in Houses.  
  • 3.00pm Monash 
  • 3.05pm Lawson  
  • 3.10pm Phillip 
  • 3.15pm Flinders 
  • Staff are on duty in the playground until 3.45pm daily and children are not to play in playground when dismissed.

Morning Routine 

  • Feeling unwell? Don’t come to school.
  • Arrive between 8.45am and 9.00am.
  • Enter from Council Street gates or Hummel Way gate.
  • Students proceed straight to their classroom.
  • Don’t play outside.
  • Parents are not to enter school grounds. Don’t stay to chat.


We will continue to minimise mixing classes and year groups with different play areas, ventilating rooms, regular sanitising, hand washing and encouraging outdoor activities when possible. Parents are not allowed onsite unless at the office with prior arrangement. 


All staff are vaccinated, as well as any visitors and contractors at the school.

Parents have been asked not to send sick children to school, if they are unwell parents will be called to pick them up ASAP. More information regarding COVID was provided to parents in the via Compass and the newsletter. This included - DET COVID-19 hotline (1800 338 663) that is available for all Department staff, contractors and parents, 8.30am to 5.00pm Monday to Friday (excluding public holidays) for any questions, queries or concerns. Employees may also access the guidance at COVID-19 Advice Line - FAQs .



I have been approached about a holiday program over the Christmas break. This was discussed at school council and if enough families commit to using the program we can investigate this possibility. Please let us know by phone or email if your family require or would support a holiday program.  Depending on numbers and a cleaning agreement this may or may not proceed. If you could inform us by Friday November 26th it would give us time to consider options and make a decision before the end of term.


I recently applied for an English Language Specialist to be based at DPS in 2022. There is an over supply of these specialists in English language schools due to the decrease in new arrivals. So, they will be placed in schools until the need returns. We are hopeful that we will get a teacher at no cost to the school.

Speaking of grants, Larissa Vesdrevanis applied for and secured $25,000 for shade sails here at DPS. This will be installed between the Library and the L4 buildings providing much needed shade for that area of the playground.


In 2022 we have a few staffing changes. I hasten to add that as our structures are very good, we need to maintain stability and most teachers will continue in the same role next year. We have discussed class groupings at length and decided to keep class groups together in some years when moving through the school to establish stronger friendships and greater connection. There may be cases when it is necessary, in the child’s best interest to move and this will happen. We must maintain flexibility. However, at the end of grade one, three and five, students will remain in the same group. Other years will be mixed/changed.


Regarding staff, David Kay will return to DPS two days per week, Jayne Hill (no relation) will return three days per week and Teresa Flatman also on family leave returns one day per week from the start of term two. 

Donna Walker will retire, as her long service leave comes to an end and she requested that she go quietly and without fanfare. While we respect her decision we did have a morning tea when we presented flowers and a gift as she worked at DPS for many years.

Celeste Pettinella and cathy Wu have secured teaching positions at other schools and will be leaving DPS at years end.


Sandra Bishop will continue, as Acting Principal for the foreseeable future at Marysville Primary School and the big news is that I will be leaving DPS as I have been seconded to be Acting Principal at Werrimull P-12 School in north-west Victoria. I will also be involved in some other leadership work. I will be returning in 2023 and in my absence an Acting Principal will lead DPS. DET have called for Expressions of Interest and a process must be followed of which I am not a part. Carl Michael, school council president is involved in the process.


Once again, I congratulate our students for their ongoing committment to their studies and for working hard to get back on track. Our students know that hard work brings reward which is a wonderful lesson in life.


Now that I have sung the praises of our students of whom we are very proud, I would like to bring your attention to 'toilets'. I ask that parents speak with your children about the toilets because the state our cleaners find them in daily is appalling. We talk to children about this frequently. At times we hear complaints but things don't seem to change at all. Please talk to your child/ren about how they use the toilets and how important it is to be clean and hygienic because what we see isn't acceptable and this is cause for great frustration. 


To close my report, I would like to once again, thank councillors, parents’ and staff for your ongoing support particularly throughout the Covid restrictions which has provided challenges for all. I thank them particularly for their willingness to approve projects etc. electronically when we were unable, due to time constraints or other restrictions to meet. This ensured we were able to move forward with collaboration and confidence.


Jim Hill



School Council President's Report.


Hello everyone,

I hope you are all well and that your lives are settling into the new normal, one which has been greatly impacted by the events of the past two years. Looking towards the future we can see that our lives and our society will change considerably in terms of how we work and interact, and this in turn will reflect on our children and their schooling and approach to work when they grow up. For the children, remote interaction and digital engagement is now part of their new normal.

At this time, I would like to acknowledge the excellent job our Principal and our teachers have done in supporting and educating our children during the ‘return to school’ period. The children love to be back in school and were delighted with their enthusiastic and ‘red-carpet’ welcome, and that’s been good for all of us parents. I commend the Principal and staff on the regular, timely and clear communication during the remote schooling period and regarding the guidelines for onsite schooling as students returned amid frequent adjustments to requirements in response to the DET and DHHS directives.

I also want to commend the teachers for the smooth transition back to usual classroom activities and supporting the students as they settle back into school routines and expectations. Although the past two years have been challenging for many, and perhaps most students, their teachers’ smooth management of the frequent transitions between onsite and remote schooling has enabled the students to endure the challenges and continue learning within a supportive environment – whether online or in class. Thank you to all the teachers and support staff for facilitating this so efficiently and successfully.

It is excellent to see that with the return to school, the gradual return of broader school activities and planning for the next year has been able to proceed – again reflecting the successful management by the Principal, staff, and teachers of the ever-changing circumstances that the school community has experienced.

This month will be the last school council meeting for the year. We, as school council members will be meeting face-to-face after so many months that it’s hard to remember when we last did so, such has been the ongoing influence of the pandemic. But it’s really nice to be nearing the other side of our experiences since the start of 2020. I would like to thank my fellow council members for their concern and support. I’ve said this before but it’s worth repeating – as a council, we support our Principal and teachers in any way we can, for what they do at the school and for their personal aspirations. Together with them we look forward to all that is ahead of us in the next year.


Best wishes from the school council and from me for the Christmas season, the holidays and for the New Year,

Carl Michael

President, DPS Council



Policy and Planning - Julia Bay


The policy portal updates to department policies are to be referred to when policies are next due for review. Both the Inclusion and Diversity policy and the Digital Learning (previously Digital Technologies) policy have been reviewed and updated.

Updates to the Inclusion and Diversity policy template from DET:

  • include a new optional 'Communication' section, new optional section on interpreting services, amended section on review and approval, and minor grammatical amendments to change principal and school council to title case
  • add an updated definition of disability harassment
  • include a link to the Department's policy Equal Opportunity and Human Rights - Students.

Updates to the Digital Learning (previously Digital Technology) policy template from DET:

  • align with the refreshed Parent Payments Policy and to reflect the consolidation of the Department's Personal Devices — Access Policy with the Digital Learning in Schools Policy
  • include a new optional 'Communication' section, new optional section on interpreting services, amended section on review and approval, and minor grammatical amendments to change principal and school council to title case.

Please refer to the school website for the updated versions of these policies.

Julia Bay


 Curriculum - Carly Epskamp


I originally wrote this report at the very beginning of Term Four and we were still in Lockdown and students were still learning remotely. However, we then began our staggered return as I write this report we are all back onsite and have been for approximately 2-3 weeks, which is pleasing.

There are many things to note since our last School Council meeting:

As a school, we are always creatively thinking of ways to engage our students further. Whilst we were working online, many staff completed Professional Learning in this area to gather ideas that would engage students without overwhelming them. Some of the whole school engagement activities we offered include the 10 day Lego Challenge, the Disco and of course Wellbeing Wednesdays and Fun Fridays.    

Throughout Remote Learning, we placed great importance on the effectiveness of Wellbeing Wednesdays, which allowed students to work on something different from their ‘normal’ Learning Plan each week. ‘Tea with the Teacher’ on Wednesday provided a wellbeing check in and allowed students and teachers to build relationships on an informal level.  Academic conversations were saved for class meetings, guided reading sessions and individual conferences. Some students came to ‘Tea with the Teacher’ a little more relaxed and willing to contribute to these sessions more than their other weekly sessions. 

Teachers collected data via weekly Learning Tasks, quizzes and online questioning tools. Teachers assessed students reading skills throughout Guided Reading Sessions and created areas for improvement or goals to focus on each week. Now that we have returned to face to face learning, we are slowly assessing students on their Reading through F&P leveled bench marking and the PAT assessment. We have assessed their Spelling growth from February – November using the SA spelling test and we will assess their growth in Mathematics using the PAT assessment in coming weeks. These more formal assessments allow us to collect and track individuals, classes, cohorts and whole school and make comparisons from year to year. We will also use Term Four Book Work to assess the knowledge and understandings of our students.          

At the end of Term Three, staff had their PPD day where we got together in teams (online) and planned as best we could for Term Four. Most teams planned for at least the first two weeks of Remote Learning, as we assumed we would continue lock down into early Term Four. We also produced Term Planners for the return to onsite teaching and learning. Now that we have returned to school, we have an increased focus on Literacy, Maths and Well being to create a catch up experience for the students. Our whole school YCDI focus for Term Four is resilience. We are ensuring that students have the core skills that they need to move onto the next year level.

As a staff, we have analysed our NAPLAN data for 2021. In the first PL session, teachers looked at all areas of the NAPLAN and were proud of students achievements. In our second and third PL session, we drilled down to pinpoint an area of the NAPLAN, where we believe some improvement is required and that was in Writing. The SIT team lead the PL and teachers worked together to analyse the data in mixed groups rather than sub schools. This lead to some deep analysis, a greater understanding of the task and the NAPLAN data and some interesting findings and conversations amongst staff members. We will use this information to formulate some focus goals for DPS in 2022.    

This week, we have done a whole school Writing Task using a picture prompt. Students from Prep-6 were allocated a certain amount of time to write a narrative using the picture prompt. Teachers have gathered student samples and will moderate firstly in teams, then in sub schools and then as a whole staff. We are excited to see the diverse range of abilities in writing and the growth from year to year.

With only a few weeks to go in Term Four, we are confident that we will have a wonderful end to the school year. We are spending all of our time in our classrooms with minimal interruptions to ensure we take every opportunity to develop students and foster their growth. 


Carly Epskamp

Leading Teacher