Things are changing quickly

If you become aware of a positive case please alert covidohs@emc.vic.edu.au immediately.  

  1. Management of contacts 

Everyone should consider their health before they start work or attend school. Students and staff should ensure that they are free from COVID-19 symptoms and have not had contact with anyone confirmed or suspected to have COVID-19. 

  • Staff and students who are notified by the school that they are a contact exposed to COVID-19 at school should;
    • immediately seek PCR testing, and quarantine until they receive a negative PCR test, regardless of their vaccination status
    • provide evidence of their negative PCR test to school
    • be strongly recommended to complete five days of rapid antigen testing each morning before attending school.
  • In exceptional circumstances, the Department of Health may determine that close contacts in significant school outbreaks are required to undertake additional quarantine and/or testing. In this scenario, students will be notified directly of any additional quarantine and testing arrangements, including rapid antigen testing. 

Staff and families of students who have been told by Department of Health that they are household contacts, are required to notify the school. 

  • Persons fully vaccinated and living with a person who has COVID-19 will;
    • quarantine for 7 days
    • seek PCR testing on day 6
    • provide evidence of their negative PCR test to school
    • note that children under 12 years will be regarded as fully vaccinated if all persons they live with aged over 12 years are fully vaccinated. 
  • Persons not fully vaccinated and living with a person who has COVID-19 will;
    • quarantine for 14 days
    • seek PCR testing on day 13
    • provide evidence of their negative PCR test to school

Schools are required to maintain a record keeping system to list and advise contacts of their obligations to obtain a PCR test and quarantine until they receive a negative PCR result, and to record assurance of a negative PCR test. 

DET will provide schools access to a web-based form and instructions to complete the identification of possible exposed persons and communication templates. Alternatively, DET will provide spreadsheets with instructions to schools. 



Parents/carers and other adult visitors not performing work who enter school buildings must check-in using the QR code. Parents/carers who come on site but do not enter buildings do not need to show proof of vaccination ( page  7). Where parents/carers indicate they are not fully vaccinated, hold SSGs via Zoom (page 8)

Schools must treat health information, including an individual’s vaccination status or diagnosed medical condition (such as COVID-19) in accordance with the Schools’ Privacy Policy. COVID diagnoses and vaccination statuses are not to be shared or discussed unless the individual (or their parent/carer) provides consent, or unless schools are legally obliged or authorised to do so (for example, when requested by the Department of Health for contact tracing). Further guidance on the handling of health care information can be found on PAL under Privacy and information sharing – Health care information.