Yaama McCarthy Community!
Welcome to Term 4.
We have had a big year and an exciting start to Term 4! During Week 1, Maddy, Lisa, Mel and myself attended a statewide conference, ‘Transforming with the Spirit’ conducted by Catholic Schools NSW. Our attendance was part of the Armidale Diocese delegation, led by Karen Tighe. Our team of 4 joined 22 other staff from across our Diocese for an astounding week of learning and culture. We attended a variety of sessions and on Country experiences in the beautiful Darug nation of the Blue Mountains. We heard amazing stories from incredible people including Dr Aunty Miriam Rose Ungunmerr Baumann, the Hon Linda Burney MP, Brooke Boney, and Isaiah Dawe. It was an opportunity to collaborate with professionals across the various dioceses of New South Wales, gaining further knowledge and understanding of Aboriginal Education. We are very excited to share this with the staff and students at McCarthy Catholic College.
Cultural Learning Plans are now available on Compass. They can be accessed through the Insights tab. An email will be sent in the next few weeks with instructions on how to access this.
We would also like to wish Year 12 students the best of luck with their HSC Exams.
Kara Spicer - ATSI Focus Teacher
Lisa Smith - AEA Year 7, 11 and 12
Maddy Simmonds - AEA Year 9 and 10
Mel Lamb - AEA Year 8