Prayer and Reflection

“Finding God’s Traces” Prayer Book
I often say prayers to staff and students from this book, I hope you enjoy it:
Unfortunately, the family dinner table is not as common as it once was. Some people grow up learning to eat on the run. In some households the same meal can be eaten at the same time in five different parts of the same building, in front of the table, besides the computer, on the back deck and so on. Creating a family table is easier said then done. Especially in the fast-food age. But it’s worth the effort. The table is the gathering place, the place to listen and to talk. Food and stories sit down together.
The family home is sometimes called the ‘domestic church’. The meal is the mirror image of the Eucharist, in which we hear stories from our faith tradition and are fed the bread of life. Grace before eating can help us draw together some of the threads of the day, to give thanks for what each person has been doing, to remember those who are suffering or hungry and to remind ourselves that the family table is also the table of the lord, the place where God sits among us, is patient when we argue, laughs at our funny stories and knows whose turn it is to stake the dishwasher
Damian Kenniff
Ministry and Spirituality Coordinator