From the classroom
News from 5/6 Unit
Hello Families,
In Reading, students are continuing to read and enjoy Percy Jackson and the Lightning Thief, by Rick Riordon. We have been learning more about Greek and Roman history and myths as well as answering comprehension questions and analysing the text. Next week, students will complete a Portfolio task on Percy Jackson and answer key questions about the text.
In Writing, students have been comparing and contrasting information between two texts. Students have also prepared for team debates by organising teams, working on arguments and debating in front of their grades. We are really impressed and proud about how hard they have been working on them!
In Numeracy, this week, students are finishing their financial portfolio task. We have been very proud of the effort they have put into their project and look forward to seeing the holiday they have planned. For the remainder of the fortnight, we will be focusing on timetables and mapping. Students will create a timetable for their time at Waratah Beach Camp (which is happening in 2 weeks time!) and will view Waratah Beach Camp’s area, give directions from one space to another and find the location of specific places.
Additionally to this, an essential part of success in numeracy is being confident with times tables. Students should be practising these skills each night, with the goal for all sets (2-12) to be recalled with automaticity.
Over the term, students will be working on My Background, this is a project that students will do from home and present in class. Please speak to your child about the expectations and the date they need to complete it. The outline of expectations and timetable have been emailed to you.
Homework is due on Thursday and the books will be returned to students on Friday. The expectations and homework tasks were emailed in week 1 to parents.
Camp is in two weeks! We leave on Wednesday 2 November at 9:00 am and Return Friday 4 November at 3:00 pm. The packing list for camp was emailed earlier in the week to families. Students will need to bring lunch, snack and a labelled water bottle. Please do not bring lollies or extra food as there is more than enough.
Please feel free to contact us if you have any further questions.
Kind Regards,
Pippa Davis and Sheena Cronin
What’s Happening in 3/4 unit
Where is the time going?
This week we have revised reading analogue and digital clocks. Some students find reading an analogue clock quite difficult, so please help at home by assisting students with their learning. A “Whodunit” game had students tracking time and solving clues to problems in the most challenging master class this week. Which teacher was to blame for eating the mascot's lunch?
Next week our focus will be on the life skill of reading a time table and looking at a variety of tables we may need to read in order to catch a bus or train. This also brings in the concept of elapsed time. If I catch a train at Heathmont station, and it takes a certain amount of time to reach the city, then what time should I reach my destination? We will also be investigating 12 and 24 hour time.
We also have camp Jungai approaching quickly. All notices are due back and parents are asked to log into Compass and make sure they have updated whether their child is attending or are declining the invitation to attend camp.
This term we are planning many group tasks where students will draw upon their interpersonal skills to work cooperatively to complete tasks such as collaboratively working on writing their own script for a puppet play. Once the narrative planning document for the script is completed, students will create a story board to help them plan scenes and the dialogue that will occur between the characters. This will then lead into each student making their own puppet during inquiry sessions, which they will use to perform their play script at the end of the term.
In wellbeing lessons the focus is on making new friends and being ‘Kind on Purpose’ to each other. Working with different groups of students across the three grades, and students that the teacher has chosen is really the start of transition and preparing the students for the class groupings the following year. We encourage everyone to rekindle old friendships and get to know students that they don’t usually mix with. Camp is a great opportunity for this to also happen.
The Adventures of the 1/2
Hello 1/2 families!
What a great start to the term we’ve had, summed up by the amazing experiences shared through the 1/2 dinner and Year 2 sleepover. Over the last week students have settled well into the term and have shown a keen eagerness to learn and become involved in classroom learning and activities.
In literacy we are continuing our unit of Narratives, how they are structured and the specific features. In particular this week, we have started a focus on making the opening of our stories interesting with ‘Sizzling Starts’ to engage a reader's attention. In writing we are continuing to use what they have learnt in reading to create these interesting and detailed stories! The imagination being used is amazing.
In numeracy we are still focused on fractions moving through quarters and eighths this week. Next week we'll be diving even deeper into fractions and summarising everything the students have learnt in preparation for our next unit…Time! During our unit on time 1/2 students will be learning how to tell the time using different methods.
Students have been very engaged with our inquiry unit on digital technologies and the importance of safety, collaborating well on their developing understanding of why and how we can keep safe when on the internet. Wellbeing has been all about Honesty! The Year 1 and 2 students have had some fantastic conversations about why people tell the truth or lie and how these things can make us feel.
Some other fun thing that have been happening include buddies starting back, the Year 1’s made floating yachts with the 6’s and the Year 2’s got stuck back into their coding unit.
Year 2 sleepover was a huge hit! We all had a wonderful night full of pizza, party games, Paddington 2 and a little bit of sleeping, followed by a day full of fun! A massive well done to all the students who attended and a huge thank you to all the parents and other volunteers who offered their time and supplies! Everyone worked well to prepare the students and create fun, long lasting memories!
Kindest regards,
Amelie Fraser, Helen Edwards and Hua Maley
The 1/2 Teaching Team!
Art Room News
Our F-2 students are undertaking a unit of work on Printmaking. They have been learning about monoprints, symmetry, using foil and markers to pull prints and will be creating collographs. We are using lots of new vocabulary - burnish, monoprint, pull a print, brayer, register, plate, ghost print, stamping, baren.
Our 3-4 students are learning about the artist Sidney Nolan and his series of paintings about Ned Kelly. Stay tuned for photos of completed works.
5-6 students are continuing to paint and varnish their clay creations that have dried over the holidays. We will begin our unit of work on scrapbooking and papercrafts in the coming weeks.
Jenelle Seregin
Visual Arts
News From The Sports Field
The Divisional Athletics carnival was held at Bill Sewart Reserve on Thursday 6th October.
Marlborough PS had eight students represent for our Maroondah / Manningham district. The leap from District Carnival to Divisional Carnival is huge and challenging. All our competing students excelled themselves.
Summer W : 100m came 5th, and 800m came 8th.
Lenka W: 1500m came 8th
Izzy N : Long Jump: came 3rd
Reina M : 80 m Hurdles came 4th
Sam S : 200m came 2nd and 800m came 7th.
Ari R: 80m Hurdles came 6th
Mile M: 100m came 6th.
Jackson P: 80m hurdles came 3rd and 1500m came 4th.
An extraordinary awesome effort by our MPS representative students.
Huge Congratulations.
Thank you all for competing and for parents who had to take students to and from the venue.
Ms Chisholm
PE Specialist