Students of the Week
The following students will receive their certificates at assemblies on the following dates:
Friday 21st October
Tyler (12A) - For being loving and caring to others. Tyler has been observant and notices those who needs support in the classroom. He would volunteer when someone doesn’t have a partner and he shows genuine concern if someone is sad or hurt. He is friendly and gentle and always willing to share. Tyler, we are so glad that we have you around.
Matthew (12B) - For always having a positive attitude and contributing eagerly to classroom discussions and learning. It is wonderful to have you in our classroom and always ready to learn Matthew!
Diana (12C)- For making such a great start at Marlborough. You are trying your best to get to know your classmates and always showing respect in the class. Keep up the amazing work.
Jade Mc (34A) - For approaching your learning, particularly in Mathematics with endless enthusiasm and positivity. It has been wonderful to see the growth in the way you are able to add into the thousands. It is so good to see you trying your best in all you are doing. Well done. What a star!
Joshua R (34B) - For demonstrating Attentive Listening by answering questions appropriately during explicit teaching sessions and completing application work as directed. Josh has been sitting at the front where he is more able to stay focussed. Well Done Josh!
Xanthe N (56A) - For the attitude, style, organisation and presentation you brought to the team debate! Amazing Job Xanthe!
Matilda M (56B) - For the effort you put into preparing for your debate. I was impressed at how you confidently you presented your ideas to the class. Well done!
Friday 28th October
Eli (12A) - For making great progress in his learning. Eli has made great progress this term. He has been calm and settled and can get a fair bit of work done every day. He is showing more interest in what the whole class is doing and would participate from time to time. When he wants to ask a question or make a comment, he would put his hand up and wait for his turn. Go Eli!
Kira-Lee (12B) - For being such a wonderful, hard worker in 1/2B! Kira, you come in with a smile and such eagerness to learn and always have such interesting ideas to contribute to the class. Keep it up!
Cooper H (12C)- For being eager to learn and always trying your best. Cooper, you have been working hard and challenging yourself in our work on fractions in maths. You should be incredibly proud, keep up the amazing effort!
Percy N(34A)- For consistently trying your best with every learning task. The growth steps you are taking is so good. It has been exciting to see your ability and confidence grow particularly in mathematics with your addition. Keep it up, Well Done!
Fleur Mc (34B) - For her ability to use quotation marks correctly in her story writing. Fleur is able to engage her audience by including direct speech in her work. We loved how you were able to build suspense, so we wanted to keep reading to find out what happened.
Michael D (56A) - For your awesome debating skills! You were able to argue, rebut and stand your ground during the team debates! Amazing work, Michael!
Isaac M (56B) - For being an amazing classmate in 56B. Isaac is friendly, kind and makes us smile each day. Thanks for having such a great attitude Isaac!