From the Principal

Dear families,

Welcome to Term 4 and, hopefully, some long Summery days to round off the school year. There have been some upgrades across the school over the Term 3 break which have been a great surprise for students on their return, including outdoor musical instruments and Groundsplash activity circuits.





While we have a range of excursions this term as Covid restrictions ease, including the senior student camp in weeks 1 and 2 and the Year 6 Graduation in Week 9, we really appreciate continued high attendance and minimum lateness as classes engage in rigorous learning to round off assessments for the end of year summative Student Reports.


Later in the term we will also be engaging in the class placement process for 2023. Staff and leadership, as always, will work collaboratively to ensure the most appropriate class placement for each student. To assist with this we ask that if you know of any families who wish to secure a class placement for 2023 that you encourage them to contact the Front Office as soon as possible for an enrolment tour and a chat. Similarly if you are leaving the area and do not need a place held for 2023 please advise us so that we can make the place available for another family. We will be offering straight year level classes in most sectors of the school and accessing appropriate funding to reduce class sizes in order to provide rigorous delivery of the Australian Curriculum maximising achievement and readiness for High School in Year 7. This is proving to be an attractive option to many families and we need to be able to adjust staffing to meet enrolment demands as accurately as possible.

While it is a staff decision to use their on site expertise to make class placement decisions if there are considerations that you wish you make us aware of that impact successful class placement for your child please email us using the admin address: by Friday 30th October.



Thank you,


