Senior School News

Early Booklists
In 2023, Viewbank College will use Campion Education for resources.
For all students doing VCE in 2023 – the Early English, English Literature and English as an Additional Language booklist is now available online with Campion for students to order now.
Orders close Friday 4th November, 2022 for early delivery.
Other Booklists will available shortly.
To access the early booklist, click on the below button (you may need to create an account simply by entering your email address and creating a password).
Code: 6XFQ
All orders, placed by Friday 4th November, 2022, will be Home Delivered at the flate rate of $8.95.
Orders should be delivered by week ending 25th November, 2022.
Any queries/problems, Campion can be contacted on 1300 433 982.
Year 11 Presentation Ball
On Friday 16th September, our Year 11 Presentation Ball was held at Melrose Receptions.
It was a lovely evening celebrating with our young people in their finery!
Year 12 End of Year activities
Our Class of 2022 completed their final classes this week.
They had some lovely weather for their final days.
They celebrated by wearing their pyjamas on Tuesday, Dress Up Day on Wednesday and on Thursday, the Senior Team cooked a BBQ breakfast, followed by an assembly and then acitivties on the oval. Wishing our Class of 2022 the very best and we look forward to seeing them at the Valedictory Dinner next month.
Dress Up Day - Wednesday 19th October
Final day BBQ breakfast, assembly and activity day - Thursday 20th October