From the Principal Class

The start to term four has been hectic, but positive!
It is wonderful to be able to continue to hold the events that bring such joy and vibrancy to the College and enable our families to engage with and celebrate their student’s work, through performance, or visually. There have been several exciting events so far this term including the STEAM Showcase and the Music Showcase/Gala. For more on this, see our reports further in the newsletter.
As a Principal team, we are incredibly proud of those students who engage respectfully with their teachers and peers and who are engaging with their learning. This has been a process of re-learning some of those social norms and Launch is a space for developing emotional intelligence, social and emotional regulation. It is unfortunate that some parents are enabling students not to engage in this learning - I ask that parents support the College and ensure their students attend the program.
Class of ‘22
It has been wonderful celebrating the last week for our Class of ’22.
Our graduating class of 2022 organised their end of year celebration activities with a student led assembly, decorated canvas and finishing with a formal celebration at San Remo Ballroom for Valedictory after their exams.
We wish them well in the lead up to their exams, starting with the English exam on Wednesday, 25th of October.
College Uniform
Uniform continues to be an issue at the College.
Whilst we are investigating the possibility of an additional wind-cheater type item, please remind students about our expectations.
Hoodies, black socks, and incorrect footwear continue to be a problem.
We will continue to be responsive to students and families, but it is important that students represent the College in correct uniform.
Please contact me if you would like some support with uniform.
New Signage
Check out our new signage which was installed over the holiday break...
World Teacher Day - 5th October
This year, we celebrated World Teachers’ Day on Wednesday 5th October (also can be celebrated on 28th October).
It was an opportunity to say thank you for the incredible contributions our teachers make to our community.
We recognised the passion teachers have, and how teaching has extended beyond the classroom to maintain connections through flexible learning.
Student Scholarships
Scholarships are available for eligible students in Grade 4 to Year 11, and for Year 12 students planning to undertake tertiary studies in 2023.
The Department of Education and Training administers a number of scholarships that are available to eligible students who are currently enrolled in Grade 4 to Year 12 in 2022.
Applicants for these scholarships will be evaluated on their:
- participation in school activities
- community involvement
- academic record for the current year.
Scholarships are either one-off payments or cover the duration of the student’s course or annual study.
Many of these scholarships have specific eligibility criteria so please refer to individual applications for more information. Applications are open and close on Wednesday 1 February 2023.
For more information and a list of available scholarships, see the 2022 Student scholarships for Grade 4 – Year 12 fact sheet.
For information on how to apply, refer to Student scholarships.
Saver Plus
Saver Plus is a free financial education program where parents can plan ahead for school expenses and get up to $500 for education costs.
Register for one of their information session next week by clicking on this link
- Saver Plus information Session for Parents – this is a session for all parents with school aged children (4-year-old kinder to Year 12, including home-schooled)
Thunderstorm asthma — be prepared this pollen season
Grass pollen season, which runs from October to December each year, brings an increase in asthma and hay fever symptoms. It also increases the risk of thunderstorm asthma. For people with asthma or hay fever, especially those who experience wheezing or coughing with their hay fever, thunderstorm asthma can be sudden, serious and even life threatening.
Viewbank College will implement a range of measures to keep our school community safe when the risk of thunderstorm asthma increases.
Many of our staff are trained in asthma first aid, and we will monitor the VicEmergency app to receive thunderstorm warnings, and, where appropriate, keep students indoors when weather forecasts identify greater level of risk.
How you can prepare
During pollen season, there are some things you can do to prepare and protect yourself and your family:
- If your child has ever had asthma: talk to your doctor about what you can do to help protect your child from the risk of thunderstorm asthma, including updating your asthma action plan. Taking an asthma preventer properly and regularly is key to preventing asthma, including thunderstorm asthma.
- If your child has hay fever: see your pharmacist or doctor for a hay fever treatment plan and check if you should have an asthma reliever puffer. These are available from a pharmacy without a prescription.
- If your child has hay fever and experiences wheezing and coughing: it is important to make sure they don’t also have asthma. Speak to your doctor about an asthma action plan.
- Where possible, avoid being outside during thunderstorms from October to December, especially during the wind gusts that come before the storm. Go inside and close your doors and windows. If you have your air conditioning on, turn it to ‘recirculate’.
Protect yourself this pollen season – managing asthma and allergies matters.
Remain vigilant for COVID-19
It is important for students to manage any hay fever or asthma symptoms, as these conditions can produce symptoms such as fever, chills, cough, sore throat, shortness of breath, runny nose, and loss or change to sense of smell or taste, which are similar to COVID-19 symptoms.
If your child experiences these symptoms in different or worse ways to their usual hay fever or asthma symptoms, medical advice should be sought.
Find out more
For more information, visit your general practitioner (GP) or visit the Better Health Channel
Sharon Grimes, Principal
Emma Ford, Assistant Principal
Rachael Smith, Assistant Principal
Anna Crosswhite, Acting Assistant Principal
Jackson Moloney, Acting Assistant Principal