Junior School

Upcoming Activities
Wednesday 12 October
Year 7 Immunisations, period 1
Friday 21 October
Year 8 Girls Basketball regionals
Monday 21 November - Wednesday 23 November
Year 7 Camp Weekaway - Group 1
Wednesday 23 November - Friday 25 November
Year 7 Camp Weekaway - Group 2
Tuesday 6 December
Junior School Presentation, 1pm - 2.30pm, Performance Centre
Welcome back to Term 4
We are excited to have Junior School students back for term 4. The buzz and excitement of catching up with friends combined with a couple of sunny days provides a positive environment for learning.
Junior School Staff are so proud of parents/carers and students for the work they have done to maximise attendance at school this year. We know, at times, it is hard to support and get your child to be at school and we want to remind you of the positive academic and mental health benefits from regular attendance at school.
Junior School Staff and Teachers are looking to maximise learning opportunities for students during term 4. Often students feel like there is no point in coming to school after key assessment tasks are completed. We will be reminding students that this is not the case. Learning happens every day in different situations and contexts. Please support this messaging and communicate with Junior School teachers and staff if you have concerns about your child's attendance.
Drew Hanna
Positive Climate and Community Leader
Value Cards - Ask your child about them!
One of the more recent projects that the SRC have been working on is ‘Value Cards’ . These cards are a reward system for students in year 7 so that teachers can show that their good behaviour and the school values are being recognised by staff members. Year 7 teachers are implementing this through the year level. The cards have started being handed out to staff.
The next step in the program is awards and prizes for students. Students will be able to trade 5 or 10 cards for a prize or reward. Some of the prizes include choosing music to play over the speakers, picking a game to play during class, free dress pass for a day or a front-of-the-line canteen pass.
We encourage parents to discuss with their students what behaviours they think will get them a value card.