Brooke's Message

Friday 4th November 

Dear Parents/Carers,


Term 4 week 4, a hive of activity at Melton Specialist School, the preparations for the graduations are in full swing and I have been impressed by the ideas coming through for the end of year celebrations, as they are finalised I will of course share them with you.


World Teacher’s Day

Last week we celebrated ‘World Teacher’s Day’, a day to take an opportunity to thank our wonderful teachers for all their incredible work.  I do try to ensure that I reach out to our staff on a regular basis to tell them all how much they are valued and appreciated, however, it is great to celebrate in a more official way. 


We all gathered in our school gym last Tuesday after the students had departed and enjoyed nibbles and a presentation.  The presentation included video footage from the students, thanking each and every MSS teacher on a personal level. 

While much of the presentation was light and at times very funny, there were a few touching messages that triggered a few tears too. What a wonderful school community we have!


Bunji – The Wellbeing Dog

I am delighted to announce the appointment of our newest member to the Wellbeing Team, Patsy Rembouli. As the Wellbeing Dog Facilitator, Patsy will be responsible for ensuring that Bunji meets his scheduled commitments around the school. 


Bunji continues to delight and lift the spirits of students and staff.



New Build

With specialist rooms and a ‘mini woolies’ to be incorporated, we are still on track for 11 January 2022.  I think you will agree, it is really starting to take shape.



Meet the Teacher Day and Curriculum Day

In the next few weeks, you will be receiving an invitation to book an appointment to ‘meet the teacher 2023’.


Teachers will introduce the classroom team and provide an overview of the curriculum and programs for the year to come.  The session is expected to take 30 minutes with an opportunity at the end to ask questions.  


If you are unable to attend on the dates scheduled, please feel free to contact the school to arrange an alternative booking.     


Day for Daniel

On 28 October we raised funds for the Daniel Morcombe charity, ‘Day for Daniel’, Australia’s largest child safety education and awareness day.  The school was decorated with ribbons and bunting and staff were encouraged to wear red and hold conversations with their students regarding community and online safety. 


Leon Evgeniadis spearheaded this event and I am delighted to say that he shared the wonderful news that we raised over $456. 

Congratulations Leon, a wonderful cause and a wonderful result!


Please use the link below to view the Autism Connect newsletter:

Best wishes,

