School Events and Excursions

CAPA Showcase

The year 12 CAPA students had a very successful Showcase open night on the 28th of July, displaying their Visual Arts Bodies of Work. Music and Dance students presented some of their final performance items for the Evans High School community including their family and friends. We thank all year 12 CAPA students for their hard work and wish them well as the final projects and performances. Check out some of the amazing artworks below:

Wear it Purple Day

Evans SLT did a marvellous job organising Wear it Purple Day, a day that fosters a supportive, safe, empowering and inclusive environments for rainbow ( LGBTQIA+) young people. Evans High definitely enjoyed the photobooth organised by the SLT with all the fun props!

Photography Excursion

Year 10 photography had a fantastic time visiting the Chau Chak Wing Museum to see the “Australian Seashores” photography exhibition. This was followed by a visit to Sydney Aquarium where students practiced taking their own photos of sea life. This was a challenge for students because of the low lighting and helped students gain skills in working in different light conditions. Big thanks to all the teachers who helped make today possible.


#ruokday2022 - this year’s theme was ‘Ask R U OK?’ Check in with your friends and family. You don’t need to be an expert to have an R U OK? Conversation. Listening and giving others your time might just be what they need. Check out the website for more tips and information:


A huge thank you to Mrs Rani and Aida for baking 800 cupcakes for students today and to Ms Griffiths and Ms Bilgin for coordinating the morning. Students had big smiles and definitely enjoyed the sweet welcome to school this morning.


R U OK Day was enjoyed by staff and students who received a cupcake and conversation. Students were able to take information booklets for guidance in how to support their friends and seek help.