Principal's Message

School Philosophy

Orchard Grove Primary School is committed to providing a safe, nurturing environment that engages curiosity, promotes learning, personal growth and wellbeing for all students. We strive to develop adaptability and resilience so students can become valued members of the local and global communities and be prepared for future life experiences.

From the Acting Principal

Welcome to another newsletter! 


Another two busy weeks have flown by here at school, and we have another busy two to come!


We have had our first Circus show run-through today here at school, and it is amazing to see just how good the students are at their performing skills. We are looking forward to our show next Wednesday at the Besen Centre. You can still buy tickets if needed. 


Our Year Four students had an excursion to the zoo last week; the weather held and they had a fabulous time. Our Year Ones had their afternoon tea at school event, which saw them staying late at school, enjoying afternoon tea and activities before heading home. A big thank you to the teachers of these year levels for organising these events and the parent helpers (for the zoo) who gave their time to accompany the students. Our Year Six camp to Canberra and our Year Two sleepover will round out a year of being back to our camping program in full.


As part of bringing back exciting events, Trivia Night is on November 26. This is a fun community night for our parents and carers, with tables being booked fast. If you are interested in coming along, please check your Compass feed for a message posted on October 18 for more information.


Transition for 2023 is beginning to take shape. We have had two sessions for our 2023 Foundation students, which have been fabulous, and teachers are beginning to create classes. We are accepting parent requests on educational grounds until the end of this week (October 28) and will soon ask all students to nominate five friends with whom they would like to be in a class next year. We always ask the students to choose students that they think will help them work well and not distract them from their learning and they are guaranteed one of these five in their class next year. 


For children in Foundation to Year Five, if your child will not be attending OGPS next year, could you please let the office know? This will allow us to have an understanding of our numbers to better inform our class structures for 2023.


Just a reminder that we have a curriculum day tomorrow. School will be closed but TeamKids will be operating if you need care. The school will be open as normal on Monday, but closed on Tuesday due to Melbourne Cup Day. 


Till next time



Michelle Ogilvie

Acting Principal