Community News

World Teachers Day

Next Friday 28 October we are celebrating World Teacher’s Day at PVCC. To thank the teachers and staff for all that they do, our Parents and Friends Group along with Community Relations will be putting on a special lunch for our staff to be held in our Library Hub. 


In the past, this lunch has been generously catered for by parents bringing a buffet of dishes and plates of food for the staff to enjoy. Over the last couple of years, we’d had a scaled down and catered event in line with COVID measures, but would love to return to the PVCC tradition of asking families to help cater this event by dropping off a plate of food to the main office by 11am.


This year, as our staff room is currently being refurbished, we are unable to have a sit-down lunch so we are requesting that plates of finger food be provided, including savoury, sweet and fruit. Look out for an email next week regarding World Teachers Day for full details and indicate what you can bring to assist with our catering and planning. 

If students and parents want to make the day extra special for teachers and staff, write them a note or send them a quick email - there's nothing like someone saying thank you to brighten up their day! 

Getting to know the 2023 Secondary Captains David and Alanah


When did you start at PVCC?

I started at PVCC 12 Years ago in 2010 when I was in Prep.

What do you love most about PVCC?

The community that we have and the relationships between students and teachers. Care. 

What is your favourite memory or experience at PVCC?

Footy day in year 6. All the fun games and bragging about whose team is best.

What is your favourite holiday destination?

Cape York or really anywhere in Australia.

Do you have any hidden talents?

I am a student hot air balloon pilot.

What do you do on a typical weekend?

Usually I work and cram in homework on Saturday and on Sunday I build things, as I’m trying to start a business in woodworking, as well as church in the afternoon.

What is your favourite food?

The packaged Latina pasta, beef ravioli.

What is a great book you’ve read or show you’ve watched recently:

Diary of a wombat.

What do you want to be when you grow up?!

Some sort of tradesman, probably a carpenter.

What is your favourite time of day?

Morning, sunrise.

What would your superhero power be?

Being able to fly.

What is your deep hope for the community of PVCC:

To be able to build the community more through events at school and expand the community too through events in the general public.



When did you start at PVCC? 

I started my schooling career at Plenty Valley in 2010 as a prep! 

What do you love most about PVCC? 

The community and the diversity amongst our families. I’ve valued learning more about other cultures and characters in our community and getting to know our staff too, beyond potential classroom confines.

What is your favourite memory or experience at PVCC?

One of my favourite experiences was during PE in Year 8, where the sport staff joined our AFL match during the rain on the muddied oval. It was an occasion where no one was concerned about their skill, but rather united with victorious confidence to gain adrenaline and bragging rights.

What is your favourite holiday destination? 

I honestly love travelling, anywhere and anytime.

What do you do on a typical weekend? 

It usually begins early with a long walk with my dog, mixed with socialisation and going out, concluding with study or relaxing. 

What is a great book you’ve read or show you’ve watched recently? 

I’ve most recently enjoyed ‘The 100’ series with Andy Lee, alongside an assemblage of movies.

What is your favourite time of day? 

My favourite time of the day may be late-afternoon, when the sun soothes the sky with a soft glow concurrent with a gentle breeze.

What would your superhero power be? 

I would love to have the power of teleportation or flying, otherwise it would be interesting to understand people’s thoughts. 

What do you want to be when you grow up?!  

I’m hoping to study Paramedicine and Nursing, but also interested in other industries and professions, so my options are open.

What is your deep hope for the community of PVCC? 

It would be awesome to see further connection between whole-school year levels, particularly in building community. As a student and leader, I hope to nurture and encourage students in our community, and promote a lasting legacy of support, unity and inter-connection.

Year 12 Final Weeks

The past few weeks have been significant for our Class of 2022 as they have completed their final days of schooling and are now less than a week away from their final exams.


On Friday 7 October, the Year 12 students took part in a special Blessing assembly with Prep students performing a beautiful song of encouragement and presenting each student with a card expressing their prayers for them. 

That evening the cohort enjoyed their Valedictory dinner with their families and staff at Manor on High in Epping on Friday 7 October. It was a beautiful evening of celebration with Year 12 performances from some of our very talented musicians and vocalists, along with speeches from Principal John Metcalfe, 2022 College Captains Adelaide and Isaac, Valedictorian Venki, the Henderson family representing all our departing families and Head of Senior School James Kearney. Each student was acknowledged and presented with a gift from the college from their homegroup teachers.

In their final week of classes, the Year 12 students took part in several key sessions to help motivate and prepare them for their exams. They also enjoyed a lunch served by the Year 11 cohort, a morning tea presented by the staff, signed their uniforms as memorabilia and decorated parts of the school. On their final day, they dressed up in the theme of Superheroes and Villains and paraded around the college, put on a concert for the senior school students and enjoyed a fun celebration morning complete with a bucking bull and inflatable water slide!

We are praying every success for them as they complete their final exams and look toward the future beyond secondary school. 

Miscellaneous Group Photos

Miscellaneous Group Photos are now available for purchase. Order online at by Sunday 6 November 2022 for free delivery to school. 

Please use the order number and Internet ID number emailed to you.

Photos can be viewed at the general office before ordering.



Jessica Patterson

Head of Community Relations