School Activities

Grange Champions go to State Tennis Finals

Bam, what an amazing start to the day, Lara smashed the tennis ball and aced passed McLaren Flat Primary School.

On a beautiful sunny day at the clay courts in North Adelaide our team of 9 champions including Kayla S, Chloe M, Stephanie H, Alex A, Lena N, Lara N, Jake B, Jaxon F, Axel Mc battled it out for the state championship and came narrowly close to becoming the 2019 state champions.

We had heaps of fun and loved learning the game of tennis, we look forward to many more opportunities like this in our many more years at Grange PS.

Thanks to the team from Tennis SA who have provided lots of opportunities for the kids at Grange to enjoy.

Kind regards,

Kayla S and Chloe M

AVEO Retirement Centre Visit

On Thursday of Week 7 Rooms 24 and 25, as well as the Year 5 Carols Choir, visited the AVEO Retirement Centre. During their visit both groups excitedly performed songs they had been practicing for the Carols on the Oval celebration. This was followed by a fun group sing-a-long with the residents of ‘Jingle Bells’. Before departing, Rooms 24 and 25 were also able to share with the AVEO community some books they had written in class. 


Jonathon Webb

Performing Arts

Congratulations Room 5

Congratulations to Room 5 for winning the attendance award for the 3rd week running with only one absence for the whole of last week! 

Well done to all the parents of Room 5 for making such a great effort to get your students to school.


Nick Warren

Student Leader

News from Room 21

Room 21 have been spreading Christmas Cheer through songs.

They have sung to diners at the Grange Baptist Church Cafe, parents at the Room 21 Learning Exhibition and to their friends at Anglicare Grange.


Room 21