Year 7 Camp

Last week the Year 7 Year cohort visited Valley Homestead in Myrtleford in the high country who hosted both camps from Nazareth College.

Camp 1 – Mannix, McAuley and McCormack Monday 27- Wednesday 29 March

Camp 2 - Chisholm, MacKillop and Knox   Wednesday 29 - Friday 31 March

We had a mixed experience of weather all week. Sun, rain and cloud however there was still a huge amount energy and smiles on both camps. 


The students participated in the following activities - Vertical challenge, Free-Fall slide, Aerial Obstacle course, Dual Flying Fox, Bush Skills, Camp fire, Singing and games by the campfire, Trivia night and Night Reflector trails. 

I am very proud of the students who found some of the activities challenging and yet gave them a go anyway and for many others who overcame their fears of heights too. I witnessed leadership, kindness, teamwork, new friendships, bravery and courage over the course of the week from both group of students. For some students just being away from home was a challenge that was overcome too. The venue hosts great activities and all the cabins have an ensuite in each room. It is certainly worth the drive to get there. 

There were many students who forgot to read the important packing list that was supplied and didn’t bring some of the key items such as water bottles, hats and rain jackets. This did impact the students, luckily, I did have some spare bottles, but I didn’t have rain jackets. Unless there is an electrical storm all activities for all camps Year 7 and 9 do go ahead and students need to bring all gear that is on list to make to experience a more comfortable one.   

I would like to thank the following staff who gave up their time, classes and their families to support the camp and myself as Camp Coordinator.

Camp 1: Ms McMillan, Mr Kolbe, Mr Hermon, Mr Ryan, Ms Kol, Ms Douglass, Mr Ziegeler (First Aid), Miss Kappas

Camp 2: Mrs Hughes, Mr Hermon, Mr Brusco, Ms Blake, Mr Nathan, Ms Bilu, Mr Cowan, Ms Goater (First Aid) and Ms Long

Big thank you to Miss Trustum who, like myself, were on both camps! She was there as the LSO and I am most grateful for her commitment for both camps.


Over the week I asked the Staff leaders of each group for both camps to nominate students who, for different reasons, deserved a certificate/award. 


Camp 1

Winnyta Lim - Positivity and participation 

Lorenzo Paguis - Positivity and participation

Mitchell Donnelly-Layfield – Positivity, resilience and participation

Isabella Matulic - Enthusiasm, dedication and humility

Tahlia De Ford - Team leading, courage and friendliness

Lily Kirakosian - Participation and teamwork

Tyler Messina - Participation and teamwork


Camp 2

Kevin Quach - being positive and showing initiative on Year 7 camp 

Scarlett O’Dor - Enthusiasm and positivity on Year 7 camp

Tyler Spencer- Commitment and participation whilst on Year 7 camp

Hayley Savrimoutoo - conquering her fears

Sathila Wennawatta - positive participation in bush activities 

Logan Irvine - conquering his fears

Charlie Pikoulos - Being a diligent fire maker and using all his oxygen

Caleb O’Brien - Helping the group at all the activities and being honest about his injury even though he really wanted to have a go

Michala Yalcin - Stepping outside her comfort zone on the slide!

Ari Georgiou - Fantastic duty group duty service skills. Best I’ve seen on camp. Well done!



Ms Sue Formanek

Camp Coordinator





Our Year 7 student leaders have written some reflections on their experiences on camp:


Camp was really fun, and I enjoyed all of the activities. I was happy to be in a cabin with my friend and getting to know new people that I have never seen before. My favourite activity was the Vertical Slide and the Dual Flying Fox. The camp site was really nice, and I was excited to play with all the varieties of games we had in free time. It was a shame the weather wasn’t great but overall, I had a really enjoyable camp with all my friends.

Brooklyn Blight (McAuley) 

The activities were very nice, especially the ziplines. Most people seemed to have fun, and so did I. Breakfast and afternoon tea were so good especially the brownies and dessert. The cabins were very nice too and clean. 

Ari Georgiou (Knox)


Last week, the year sevens at Nazareth College went to camp at Valley Homestead in Myrtleford. We did a variety of activities which included a vertical challenge, aerial obstacle course, freefall slide and even bush survival skills, where we had to start a campfire and cook our own lunch. Myrtleford is actually a very beautiful place, it was an awesome experience and I would go there again if I could. Thank you to all the amazing teachers that made this camp possible.😄

Jamie Brown (Chisholm)


No matter rain or sunshine our time at camp was amazing! No one will forget the timeless moments people would go upside down on the flying fox or slipping during our aerial obstacle course. Although it only lasted 3 days, some students made friendships that would last lifetimes. The activities included trusting one another, to conquering the biggest of fears. 

This camp really did boost each student’s confidence. On one of the days at camp, we had to cook our own lunch in the wilderness. And I’ll tell you, those were the most memorable Nachos in History. 

For the most part, whether it was making friends or food, everyone had a great time at camp, and can’t wait until our next one!

Lily Kirakosian (McAuley)

Camp was the highlight of term one for most people. It was a fun and exciting 3 days spent at the camp. Camp wasn’t just for fun and learning new things it was also for building new friendships. I personally made some friends. The amazing activities consisted of the aerial obstacle course, the climbing activities, the survival in the bush activity (making a fire and cooking food), trivia night, light reflector trail, vertical slide and the 200-meter-long flying fox which was my favourite. Overall, it was an amazing camp worth the long trip.  

Neil Meyer (MacKillop)


Year 7 camp was a really fun experience to meet new people, lots of fun activities and adventures. My favorite activity was the flying fox and making a fire and cooking our own lunch on it, it was a bit rainy there were lots of little cute frogs the cabins were very fun. I loved climbing up the hill to get wood for our crew. The fire took a bit of time but eventually it worked out and we got to cook Damper, Nachos and Marshmallows. The Damper was good. I never had Damper, but it was just a bit too sweet for me.  

I Loved Camp!!! 

Stefan Djuric (McCormack)


The 3-day program was excellent. At first, I didn’t know it was a 4 hour drive to Valley Homestead. I have never gone somewhere which is 4 hours away from home. I was looking forward to seeing my friends, whom I have selected to be with me. We even have an extra bed in our cabin. We had so much joy together as a group of six in my cabin. The food was outstanding! The second night we had ice cream with marshmallows and lasagne. It was the best 3-day trip ever I have gone from school. 

Sathila Wennawatta (Chisholm)

This year for Year 7 camp, we went to Valley Homestead in Myrtleford. The bus ride to camp was about 4 hours long. When we arrived at the camp site, we got off the bus and grabbed our luggage and put it under the bus shelter. Afterwards we went to the dining room to find out who was in our cabins. Once this was done, we unpacked our bags and then lined up in our house groups to depart for our first two activities. Mannix participated in the vertical drop slide and the flying fox first. Both activities were very fun.

After we finished our activities, we went down to the dining room for dinner. The first night we ate chicken burgers, and they were nice. Later, we had a campfire with marshmallows and milo. Each house had to do a night walk and find the riddle on the trees. After each house completed it, we walked back to the cabins and went to sleep.

The next day we had to wake up at 7:30 am to get ready for breakfast which was a variety of cereals. After breakfast we got into our groups and we had to build a fire and cook our own lunch, which was nachos. After this activity, we completed an obstacle course in the air which was very fun. Then we had dinner and a trivia night, and we finally went to bed. 

The next morning, we had to pack our bags and clean our cabins. While we waited for the bus, we watched Wonder. When the bus finally came, we headed home. Overall, camp was a very fun experience.

Yianni Bakaimis (Mannix)


Year 7 camp for 2023 was held at Valley Homestead, Ovens, Victoria. It blossomed many new and genuine friendships, life-skills, hacks and, of course, memories. I think I speak for most people when I say that one of the most enjoyable elements of camp were the activities that we were fortunate enough to participate in. From the drop-slide, to the flying fox, vertical challenge and even the trivia-nights. Many people (including myself) took these as an opportunity to step up and out of their comfort - something that was highly encouraged by all the kind staff and helpers. Overall, we had an incredible time, meeting new people, developing new skills and talents and generally just being surrounded by an encouraging and fun community throughout the 3 days that we were there. It will certainly be a camp that I’ll remember and cherish for years to come.

Stephanie Nicolaou (MacKillop)


This year’s camp was an awesome experience for not only McCormack but also all 2023-Year 7s. 

We all had an adventurous and fun camp all thanks to all the teachers that have helped to organise this camp. 

Camp was a rollercoaster from the drop slide to the vertical climb but doing all those things helped everyone to build a stronger version of themselves. 

Jaidah Kasap (McCormack)