Wellbeing Report 


Part of our Pastoral program provides opportunities for our students to hear from outside guest speakers, who challenge their thinking in a variety of ways. Last week our Year 10, 11 & 12 students had one such session.


Our Year 10 students were visited by Xavier from Warner Alcohol and Drug Education. He engaged our students with an interesting and informative presentation on the risks and effects of underage binge drinking and concerning health risks associated with vaping. The presentation included real life stories and scenarios to break the ‘invincible’ mindset. Our students were provided with a range of strategies for harm minimisation for when they might find themselves in situation that involve alcohol or vaping.


For more information, please open the following attachment, and discuss with your child the incursion and the messages they took away from it.

Our Year 11 & 12 students were visited by Tamsin Cook, a highly successful Australian swimmer who trained at the Australian Institute of Sport and represented Australia at the Olympics. Tamsin inspired the students with her interesting life story, where she had to show great strength and resilience to overcome hardships to be successful. She also presented some interesting information about an online ‘Mental Fitness’ program, developed and run by the Black Dog Institute. Students can join up and learn more about ways to balance their own mental health. For more information, please follow the link to their website.





Ms Jackie Kol

Director of Wellbeing