Principal's Report

Dear Parents, Guardians, and friends of Nazareth,


As we approach the most significant week in the Church’s Calendar -The Easter Tide, I stop to reflect on the significance of each day.


We commence by honouring Jesus’ triumph entry into Jerusalem on Palm Sunday and by the Friday he is on the cross crucified. The pain and suffering and denial that he endured leading to his death is a significant reminder that life is not easy and in many ways we all at times endure similar situations. However, we always have hope.

The night before the crucifixion, Holy Thursday is a significant event. This is when Jesus and his disciples engaged in the Passover Meal, something we emulate through our participation in the Eucharist and Holy Communion. The washing of the feet demonstrated to the disciples, how to be of service and the beginning of the institution of Priesthood and Religious Order.


On Easter Sunday we celebrate the new beginning, the new life - The Resurrection. This gives us the rebirth of new life, the new way of doing. It gives us Hope and the ability to start afresh in what we truly believe.


“Lord Jesus Christ by your death on the cross you have won pardon and freedom from sin and death. May we live in the joy and freedom of your victory over Sin and death.” 

So please stop and reflect on the significant events and give us courage for being the hands of Christ for all. Give us Faith, Wisdom and Knowledge.    


On another practical note, not even the thunderstorm or power outage would derail NAPLAN at Nazareth in 2023.  A huge thank you to Ruth Sharp for the administration and organisation of the digitised NAPLAN.  It is over for another year! Thank you to all staff and students for the disruptions to your classes and learning and your flexibility and understanding with the reschedules required.


Last week our Year 7 students enjoyed their camp at Valley Homestead, Myrtleford.  Owing to our biggest intake ever at Year 7, they were split into two groups.  Both groups experienced some mild and wet conditions but were able to take part in a wide range of fun activities and build on friendships and create new ones in their time away together.  I thank staff, students and families for working together to make camp a positive experience for all.


I wrote to you last week regarding the closure of the school canteen.  While most students do the right thing, we have unfortunately identified a larger than we would like group of students who have stolen significant amounts from the Canteen.  This behaviour has been reported to the police as it is against the law and will not be tolerated in our community.  I encourage every Nazarene to reflect on the choices they are making and the impact these decisions have on others. 


We know that the cost of living has increased for us all, and to provide further assistance and support to our community we will be establishing a breakfast club for all students.  If you would be interested in being a part of this, please let my office know by contacting me via


It is our tradition to care for those in need.  This year we have read and seen many victims on our television screens that have been displaced, lost their homes, possessions and even loved ones.  It is difficult to know how to cope in such stressful situations. In this final Lenten period, we encourage our community to focus our efforts on prayer, fasting and almsgiving. Our Vinnies group have again successfully run their Easter Raffle to raise funds for those in need.  Congratulations to all winners and thank you for purchasing tickets.


Our reputation and popularity are continuing to grow and so too is the interest in our scholarships.  Scholarships are now open for the 2024 school year. Please see the College webpage for further details and take note of the following important dates:

  • Application closing date: Friday 5 May 2023 at 1.00 pm
  • Edutest: Saturday 20 May 2023 from 9.00 am to 12 noon (online)

We held an evacuation drill on Monday 3 April 2023. I am pleased that with each drill, we are continuing to improve. We will continue to have a drill each term. 


We were pleased with the attendance at our Student Progress Meetings held this week over two days. With one session held during the afternoon and evening, and one being held during the day our families had more options for meeting at a time that suits.  We are continuing to attempt to meet the needs of our families and if you have any feedback please contact my office via


Just a reminder that school returns for all students on Wednesday 26 April 2023. 


I wish everyone a happy and Holy Easter 


God Bless


Mr Sam Cosentino
