Physical Education Focus

PE Report
It has been a busy and exciting term for Physical Education.
Foundation Students
The Foundation students are settling in extremely well and are learning lots of new games. These games get the students active and make them move their bodies in lots of different ways. They enjoy following the prompts of new movement cards as well as attempting to move around the gym in interesting and challenging ways.
Year 1 & 2 Students
Students have started off the year with confidence and enthusiasm. They are starting each lesson with an active warm up and tiggy games, to get students huffing and puffing. While playing tiggy games the classes are discussing the importance of playing games fairly and honestly. Students are also practising moving their bodies in different ways as well as how to work together in small groups.
Year 3 & 4 Students
Students are energetic and keen for another exciting year of PE. They started the year playing Cornhole and Finska, which are target throwing games. While playing these games students work on cooperating in small groups to umpire and score. Students are currently having a lot of fun doing orienteering in preparation for our House Cross Country. In small groups students are working together to complete a number of orienteering courses that have been set up around the school.
Year 5 & 6 Students
Students started off the term looking at the frisbee throwing and catching skills in preparation for their first Year 5 Alternative Sports program, which this term is Ultimate Frisbee. They have been enjoying practising and improving these skills, which is an unfamiliar skill for many of them. In addition to learning how to throw and catch frisbees they are also testing their map reading skills and increasing their endurance fitness by completing orienteering courses in PE lessons.
The Year 6 students have been busy learning rules and improving their skills in preparation for interschool sports. In PE they have been practising their soccer, netball and football skills to assist them in choosing which one of these they would like to play next term for winter sports. As well as this, they have been spending Friday mornings in a team practising their chosen summer sport – in preparation for the summer sports gala day.
Sports Report
Swimming Success
A great way to spend those hot summer days is relaxing in the pool and some students from Years 4, 5 and 6 have been fortunate enough to do just that, well maybe not relaxing. In week three of the term, 54 confident swimmers had the opportunity to compete in the school swimming trials. With only a limited number of places available in the district team, it was amazing to see the talent on display. Well done to all those students who took part in the trials.
From those nerve racking swimming trials a team of 26 students was selected to represent Fairfield PS at the Northcote District Swimming carnival. Despite the strong competition from neighbouring schools, all our students performed excellently with 24 advancing to the Darebin Division event at WaterMarc.
The competition intensity grew at the division event, and Fairfield students did an amazing job all swimming brilliantly, with 18 students qualifying for the Northern Metropolitan Region (NMR) event, taking place later this term. To those 18 students who are competing in the NMR event, we wish you all the best of luck and enjoy the experience.
Cross Country
Finally, the House Cross Country event will be taking place at the end of this term. This event is for all students in Years 3 – 6 and takes place during normal PE lessons. Students will be given the opportunity to complete laps of the FPS cross country course, which winds its way around the school. Each lap a student completes earns points for their house, regardless of the time. I look forward to watching as students take on the challenge of cross country and do their best.
~ Geoff McShane, PE & Sports Teacher