Year 5 Spotlight

A Brilliant Start
Year 5 has had a brilliant start to the year with many wonderful highlights! Various Year 5 students have reported on their memorable term moments.
Working Collaboratively Across Classes
During term one, 5A, 5B and 5C have merged together several times to do experiments, games and work together. It’s been fun because our classes have been mixed, so working across together has allowed us to make new friends and connect with our old ones.
During Inquiry, we have done many experiments exploring how matter changes. We’ve done the cheese toasty heat experiments, the perfume gas experiment, bone in a jar experiment, and a lava lamp liquid experiment. We looked at what changed and if the reaction was reversible.
We have also joined classes together to play fun games to help team building such as Scattergories. Year 5 has been really fun every minute through the term.
~ Reported by Rylee, Ash and Andie
For our highlight we chose to do ‘working across classes’ because we enjoyed cooperation and teamwork.
~ Paris
Hi, I’m author Patrick, my favourite part of working across classrooms is most definitely on Wednesdays when everyone who doesn’t go to Choir or Gardening Club gets to enjoy handwriting and then collaborative games! It’s a great place for talking with people from other grades and it’s a huge melting pot for chatting and sharing ideas from all grades.
Hi, I’m author Cameron and I like Science because of all the experiments we have done this year. We used perfume to see how it travelled through the air. We also used chicken bones that we put it in vinegar and saw what would happen after three days + the weekend.
Choir is an amazing experience. It is wonderful to perform at local fairs and picnics. You might be wondering, 'What is a choir?' Well, choir is group of people who enjoy singing. They come together to make it louder and add harmony to songs.
Alex, a member of choir said, “Singing with my friends makes me happy.”
Cass said, “I love being in choir. It gives me lots of opportunities to learn new songs. It’s great!”
If there is a local or school choir, definitely put your name to join!
~ Reported by Amelia and Cass
WSC – Senior Building for Year 5!
We love the new building on Wingrove Street and us grade fives like making this part of the school our own. Making the hot air balloons, the gratitude tree and our class agreements and even more.
~ Reporter by Heidi, Margot, Esther and Dylan.
We really like the Year 5/6 WSC building because everything’s cleaner and cooler. The classroom tv’s are new and there are more wobble seats and comfy seat options to sit on in our classroom. We really like the small break out rooms to read and work in.
~ Reported by Griffin, Eva, Mabel
PE Highlights
In PE we have been working on our Ultimate Frisbee skills to build what we learn in the alternative sports program. We have also been enjoying orienteering, where we had to run around the school looking for words to spell out a sentence.
~ Reported by Jay, Ethan, Ryder, Lachie
In PE we are practising for cross country. Cross country is good because it earns your house some points and it's good for your health. It also improves your running stamina and distance.
~ Reported by Wilson, Rocco and Taylor
‘GEM’ & Kindness Learning
In grade five this year, GEM is a new routine that we have developed to help our wellbeing and calm us down from ‘big moments’ at school. And sometimes when I look at my Empathy feet, I think – “I’m so happy that I made this.” J We also do something called Gratitude Leaves for our Gratitude Trees. We write all kinds of things that we are grateful for in some way.
~ Reported by Layla, Grace, Aurora
I like buddies because they're so fun to play with and I enjoy their company and being a good influence on my buddy. ~ Lily
I really enjoy my buddy because she gives me a lot of hugs and always makes me smile. She is the best buddy ever! ~ Grace
I like buddies because they are so funny and they are such good company and I feel like they make me complete. ~ Elly
Alternative Sports Program
This term the year fives have been playing ultimate frisbee on Friday mornings as part of the Alternative Sport program. It has been super fun. We learnt how to throw a frisbee properly so that we can catch it! We know how to throw forehand and backhand, and you can either catch with a crocodile or crab style. The most awesome part has been playing the game ‘Angry Waiters.”
~ Reported by Monique, Josh and Huey
~ Year 5 Teachers (Faye, Naomi, Lauren & Anna) and Students