Year 3 Spotlight

Numeracy – Reported by 3A
In Numeracy, all students have been focusing on place value and time. They have had experiences with modelling and ordering numbers to at least tens of thousands and placing up to four or more-digit numbers on a number line. In 'time, students are exploring the relationship between units of time, such as understanding there are 60 minutes in an hour and 60 seconds in a minute.
The students in 3A were responsible for reporting on their learning in Numeracy thus far.
These are some students’ reflections:
I really, really enjoyed it when we learnt about time using a plastic clock. It taught me soooooo much better than just discussing, using flash cards, or just talking or brainstorming. In number (or maths) we have also been preparing for `NAPLAN` in maths, including writing and spelling, and how to use the computer. We have also been learning how to answer questions. Before my teacher, Michele, taught me, my answer would have been ‘I DO NOT HAVE A CLUE!!!’. ~ Siena, 3A
For Numeracy in term one we worked on maths games. We learned to play Just Gridding, Mastermind, 101 and Greedy Pig. Although they were all amazing games, my favourite one was ‘Just Gridding’. ~ Margot C, 3A
In Numeracy we have been focusing on Place Value and Time. We have been learning where the numbers go for each value. Sometimes we play maths games like Mastermind. Lately, we have been learning about odd numbers and even numbers, symbols for greater than and less than, and what they mean. This was something I have learnt. ~ Emma B, 3A
My favourite maths games we learnt this term are Mastermind and Just Gridding. We also learnt the difference between analogue and digital clocks. ~ Daniel, 3A
In Measurement we looked at Time and learnt about analogue and digital clocks. I enjoyed making our time clock. We also learnt new maths games like ‘Greedy Pig’ and 101, to help us understand Place Value of numbers. ~ Amelie, 3A
My favourite thing about Maths this term was playing the number game One Hundred and One. We learned more about analogue and digital clocks and the differences between them. ~ Harry 3A
Literacy & Wellbeing – Reported by 3B
During Reading, we have been learning how to link our prior knowledge, make connections, and have been word detectives inferring unknown words. We have enjoyed listening to our class novel each day. In 3B we are reading Harry Potter and the Philosopher’s Stone. ~ Matilda and Jamie, 3B
We are well and truly into our writing unit! Each week we have been working on our seed write based on an image created by A.I. Alongside this, we have been learning all about persuasive writing. We learnt that using persuasive devices (AFOREST) can help us bump up our writing. We got to pick our own persuasive topic to write about and some of the topics that have been chosen are; every child should learn to swim, save the Kakapo, and FPS should offer cooking classes. ~ George and Eloise, 3B
We started the term off identifying emotions and how they make us feel. We have also been working with Cathy focusing on wellbeing. During these sessions we have done problem solving and learning about what makes a good friend. We have learnt that friendship is about being kind to each other, playing together, helping and supporting each other. ~ Saskia, Emily, Scarlett and Willow, 3B
Inquiry – Reported by 3C
In inquiry this term we have been learning about biology and survival features of plants and animals. We know that animals & plants have all adapted to their environment to help them survive and thrive. Did you know that some cacti in the desert have adapted to their environment by being able to store water for a long period of time so that they can hold off until it rains next? ~ Alex and Bethany, 3C
Life cycles are stages of life through the different ages of an animal or plant.
The life of an ant starts with larvae. A larva is the baby ant. When that gets older it lives in an ant nest. They’re all the workers and soldier ants and the queen ant protects the babies. The queen ant gets to choose what the ants do. It could be a soldier ant or a worker ant. The soldier ant is the one that protects the nest from other insects that might attack the nest. And the worker ants get the food and the materials for the nest. And the queen, she runs the whole nest. ~ Navy, Keith and Lewis, 3C
In inquiry we have been learning about ecosystems. An ecosystem is plants, animals and the environment combined together. Did you know that cacti have thin leaves to protect them from the sun? We have really enjoyed learning about ecosystems. ~ Stella, Isabelle and Harriet, 3C
Food Chains
So far this year we have been working on a few different topics and we are going to tell you about the topic of food chains. We learnt about the different levels of the food chains such as the apex predator, tertiary consumers, secondary consumers, primary consumers, and primary producers. The primary producers are plants. The primary consumers eat plants. The secondary consumers eat plants and primary consumers. The tertiary consumers eat the plants, secondary consumers and primary consumers. And apex predators eat all of them! ~ Nina, Evie and Livi, 3C
Documentary Project
The grade 3s have been doing ecosystems. We have been working together to make a great documentary. And soon we will start making animals to fit into our ecosystem. Right now we are making the ecosystem. ~ Cleo, 3C
~ Year 3 Teachers (Michele, Monique & Brendan) and Students