Brooke's Message

Wednesday 5th April

Dear Parents/Carers, Students & Staff


We’ve made it!  Happy Easter 😊


Just before I sign off on Term 1, I want to take another opportunity to reflect on what we have achieved as a school community. Despite the continued staffing challenges that we face and continue to navigate, I am so proud to say that we have as a team, unwaveringly shown resilience, determination, and a commitment to ensuring that Melton SS strives to be the very best it can be.


I would like to thank our staff members; you have worked tirelessly to ensure that our students have access to creative and meaningful work programs and have been able to pivot effortlessly when needed.  No two days are the same at the moment. You are able to move and adapt without faltering and do so while smiling and supporting each other.  This never goes unnoticed. We really couldn’t do what we do without this kind of commitment from you all.   


To our students, I want to say that I am impressed every day by your hard work, dedication, and perseverance.  You all demonstrate such resourcefulness in the various activities and projects that you undertake.  You make us and your parents/carers very proud!


Finally, I want to the thank our parents and carers for your continued support and partnership in ensuring that your young ones have a positive and fulfilling school journey.  Your involvement and engagement have been invaluable in nurturing a strong sense of community within our school.


As we go into the next term we will continue to work towards our shared goals. I wish everyone a restful and rejuvenating break and hope the Easter Bunny is very generous.  We all look forward to seeing you back next term on Monday 24th April 2023.

School Excursions

As promised in a previous newsletter, I am delighted to share with you some wonderful photos of the Blackwood Camp.   


All students that attend the camps have the opportunity to embrace new and exciting activities such as rock climbing, high ropes, adventure team games, building shelters, zip-lining, the list goes on.


For some of our students it was their first camp and one they’ll remember for a long time. I am so pleased that we can once again enjoy this kind of activity after such a long time living with restrictions.

A Sailors Life for Me!

Another highlight this term has been the ‘Winds of Joy’ excursion.  Below are some beautiful photos of P11 enjoying the ‘high seas’. 😊

Take a Break!

New Comic Strip Column by Julius Vincent

to be continued…

Seatbelts, Buckles & Harnesses

Unfortunately, Melton Specialist do not supply vehicle restraints, however, if you require information on suppliers, please feel free to contact the school and we can supply information regarding stockists in your area.


Best wishes,

