Student Becomes Unwell Whilst at School?

In the interests of student wellbeing, staff, usually from the Office, need to actually speak to the parents or carers detailed on the initial Enrolment Application, to obtain permission for the student to go home and to ascertain the means by which the student will return home. 


If you are not able to take our call, please call back as soon as possible so arrangements can be finalised for your son or daughter to return home.  


If your son or daughter contacts you directly, saying they are unwell and would like to go home, please ask them to report to the School Office and in the meantime a call from you to 9208 7100, will mean we are able to sign them out straight away. Otherwise their departure will be delayed whilst we attempt to contact you for the necessary permissions.

Student Needs to Leave School Early?

If your son or daughter needs to leave school before the end of their timetabled day, perhaps for a medical appointment, please provide them with a note to bring to school. 


This note should include –

  • your child’s full name
  • the date
  • the time they are allowed leave school 
  • the reason for leaving early
  • and your signature

Before their scheduled departure time students ask one of the Deputy Principals to countersign the note. The note then allows the student to leave their class and come to the Office to be signed out of school.